Style’s Top 10 Pick Up Revelations

Recently one of the greatest PUAs in the world Style (aka Neil Strauss) published a list of the top ten epiphanies he had while learning the Game.

According to him these epiphanies helped transform him from a guy who was too scared to speak to women, into a guy who had experiences that even in his wildest fantasies, he never imagined were possible:

1. What you look like doesn’t matter. But how you present yourself does.

2. Nobody is judging you. They’re too busy worrying about what you think of them. So instead of seeking her approval, give her yours. Then take it away. Then give it to her again. This is called flirting.

3. Women like nice guys. They just don’t like weak guys. So you can still be nice, but you must also be confident and strong-minded. In order for a woman to be with you, she needs to feel safe with you.

4. It’s not enough to just be yourself. You must be your best self.

5. There’s a thin, but important line between being horny and being sexual. A horny man hits on a woman before she’s attracted to him. A sexual man waits until he’s attracted her.

6. Just because you’re interacting doesn’t mean you’re attracting. Learn to recognize the

difference between politeness and interest.

7. To win the heart of a woman, you have to be willing to risk losing her.

8. When a girl you went on a date with in the past or who suddenly disappeared on you calls you out of the blue, it generally means one thing – so call back right away before she finds someone else to be with that night.

9. Always call a woman the day after sleeping with her and make her feel good about having let go with you. Even if you don’t want to see her again or she doesn’t want to see you again. Don’t ruin her for other guys.

10. The Canadian hockey player Wayne Gretzky once said “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.” So simply by approaching and saying something, no matter how badly you may bumble, you’ve dramatically increased your odds of being with her.

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