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MUST WATCH: PUA Mystery (Erik von Markovic) Giving PUA Advice in 2024!


Brand-new VIDEOs: Mystery PUA Giving Advice on Pick Up in 2024

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Erik von Markovik, better known by his stage name Mystery, is a figure who has sparked considerable debate and discussion within both the dating scene and wider public discourse. A Canadian who rose to prominence in the early 2000s, von Markovik has been a polarising figure due to his unconventional approach to social dynamics and relationships, particularly the way in which men and women interact. This article aims to shed light on the multifaceted personality of Erik von Markovik, exploring his methods, the impact of his work, and the controversies that surround him, while adhering to a narrative rich in complexity and varied in its sentence structure.

Decoding the Mystery Method: An analytical dive into Erik von Markovik’s unique system of interpersonal communication and attraction, exploring its stages and appeal.

At the heart of von Markovik’s philosophy is the “Mystery Method”, a system he developed and refined over years of social experimentation and observation. This method, detailed in his book ‘The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed”, provides a framework for interpersonal communication and attraction, focusing on stages such as attraction, comfort and seduction. Von Markovik’s approach is analytical, breaking down social interactions into components that can be studied and mastered. This methodical approach has attracted a following among men who find traditional social cues and dating practices difficult to navigate.

Controversy in the art of seduction: Examining the criticisms and ethical debates surrounding the Mystery Method’s impact on human relationships and social dynamics.

However, von Markovik’s methods have not been without their critics. Some argue that the Mystery Method, with its routines and scripts, commodifies human relationships and reduces the complexity of human interaction to a series of manipulable steps. Critics also point to the ethical implications of using psychological techniques to influence the behaviour of others, suggesting that it can lead to manipulative and deceptive practices. Despite these criticisms, von Markovik’s influence on the “pick-up artist” community is undeniable, and many consider his work to be pioneering in the field of dating and social dynamics.

The Enigmatic Appeal of Control: How the Mystery Method offers a semblance of control in the unpredictable world of dating, resonating with those navigating evolving social norms.

The appeal of Erik von Markovik’s teachings lies in their promise of control and certainty in the inherently unpredictable realm of human relationships. For many, the Mystery Method offers a roadmap through the maze of social cues and romantic signals, a way to demystify the often bewildering world of dating. This appeal is particularly strong at a time when traditional social structures and norms are constantly evolving, leaving many to navigate these changes without clear guidelines.

Beyond the method: A Cultural Phenomenon: Erik von Markovik’s transition from author to cultural icon through The Pickup Artist, sparking widespread discussions about attraction and ethics.

Von Markovik’s impact extends beyond the pages of his book or the seminars he has led. He became a cultural figure through his reality television show, “The Pickup Artist,” which aired on VH1. The show, which featured von Markovik coaching hapless men on how to improve their dating lives, brought his theories and practices to a wider audience and sparked debates about the nature of attraction, the role of gender dynamics in dating, and the ethical considerations of his methods.

Assessing the legacy of a dating guru: Reflecting on the dual nature of von Markovik’s contributions to personal empowerment and the ethical issues raised within the dating paradigm.

In discussing the legacy of Erik von Markovik, it is important to acknowledge the complexity of his contributions. On the one hand, he has provided tools and confidence to those who have felt marginalised by traditional dating paradigms. On the other hand, his work has raised important questions about the nature of consent, the ethical use of psychological techniques in personal relationships, and the perpetuation of gender stereotypes.

Masculinity, femininity and the dance of courtship: How the von Markovik controversy reflects broader social debates about gender relations and roles in modern courtship.

Furthermore, the controversy surrounding von Markovik and the pick-up artist community at large reflects broader social debates about masculinity, femininity, and the roles men and women play in the dance of courtship. In some ways, the controversy surrounding von Markovik serves as a mirror to our own uncertainties and evolving understandings of gender relations in the 21st century.

The digital age and the search for connection: Explores how von Markovik’s methods intersect with the shift towards digital dating, highlighting the tension between instant gratification and meaningful connections.

The story of Erik von Markovik is emblematic of the broader conversation about the pursuit of romantic relationships in the digital age. As the world transitions into a more connected yet emotionally distant society, the methods espoused by von Markovik offer a glimpse into the lengths to which individuals will go to forge connections. This exploration of von Markovik’s impact is not complete, however, without an examination of the cultural and societal changes that have shaped, and been shaped by, his methods.

Self-improvement at the heart of attraction: The role of the Mystery Method in advocating personal transformation and its implications beyond dating, within the cultural movement towards self-optimisation.

The digital revolution has changed the landscape of dating and relationships, with online platforms offering new ways to meet and connect with others. In this context, von Markovik’s teachings can be seen as both a precursor to and counterpoint to the swipe-right culture of digital dating. While online dating apps prioritise brevity and immediacy, von Markovik’s approach is deeply rooted in the nuanced and sometimes protracted strategies of face-to-face interaction. This contrast highlights the tension between the desire for instant gratification and the yearning for deeper, more meaningful connections.

In addition, von Markovik’s work prompts a reassessment of the role of self-improvement in the quest for romantic success. At its core, the Mystery Method is not only about attracting a partner, but also about personal transformation. Von Markovik advocates the development of self-confidence, storytelling and social intuition – skills that extend beyond the realm of dating into personal and professional life. In this light, von Markovik’s influence can be seen as part of a larger cultural movement towards self-optimisation and the pursuit of personal excellence.

A spectrum of perspectives on love and relationships: The diverse perspectives on von Markovik’s teachings and their place in the ongoing discourse on modern love and the ethics of seduction.

Yet the conversation around Erik von Markovik and the pick-up artist movement is far from monolithic. It encompasses a spectrum of perspectives, from staunch defenders to vehement critics, each contributing to a vibrant discourse on the nature of modern love and human connection. This plurality of views reflects the complexity of navigating romantic relationships in a world where traditional norms are constantly being challenged and redefined.

Evolving legacy in the face of changing dynamics: how Erik von Markovik’s work continues to fuel debates about the ethics of seduction, gender dynamics and the pursuit of romantic success in the 21st century.

As we move forward, the legacy of Erik von Markovik is likely to continue to evolve. His work serves as a catalyst for ongoing debates about the ethics of seduction techniques, the balance between manipulation and persuasion, and the intersection of gender dynamics and the pursuit of romantic success. These discussions are crucial to understanding not only the phenomenon of the pick-up artist movement, but also the broader challenges and opportunities of finding love in the 21st century.

At its core, Erik von Markovik’s story is a microcosm of the human condition – a search for connection, a desire for understanding and a journey of self-discovery. Whether you see him as a mentor, a provocateur or something in between, his impact on the cultural landscape of dating and relationships is undeniable. As we navigate the complexities of human connection, the discussions sparked by von Markovik’s work remind us of the constant challenge of understanding ourselves and others in the search for love and companionship.


Erik von Markovik, widely known by his pseudonym Mystery, emerges as a compelling figure in the landscape of dating and social dynamics. Known for his development of the ‘Mystery Method‘, von Markovik offers a systematic approach to interpersonal communication and attraction, encapsulated in his influential book ‘The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women into Bed. His method, which breaks down social interactions into manageable stages, has attracted both admiration for its analytical approach to understanding human interaction and criticism for potentially commodifying relationships and encouraging manipulative tactics.

Von Markovik’s prominence extends beyond his written work, most notably through his role in the reality television show The Pickup Artist, which has brought his theories to a wider audience and sparked discussions about the ethics of his methods, gender dynamics and the nature of attraction. His work lies at the intersection of the desire for control over the unpredictable realm of human relationships and the ethical considerations of using psychological techniques to influence others.

The narrative around von Markovik is deeply intertwined with broader societal shifts, particularly the transformation of dating landscapes in the digital age. His methods, which emphasise personal transformation and the development of social skills, offer a counterpoint to the fleeting connections fostered by online dating platforms, highlighting a cultural tension between the quest for instant gratification and the pursuit of meaningful relationships.

The discourse surrounding von Markovik reflects a spectrum of views, addressing issues of self-improvement, the ethics of seduction, and the evolving norms of romantic relationships. As a figure who significantly influenced the dialogue about dating and attraction, von Markovik’s legacy inspires ongoing debate about the challenges and opportunities of seeking love and connection in today’s world. Emblematic of the complexities of the human condition, his story continues to resonate as a tale of personal discovery, social navigation and the universal search for companionship.

P.S. This Mind Hack Makes Girls Chase YOU!

Neil Strauss’ (Style) 7-Point Plan to Attract Women

According to Neil Strauss, author of The Game, there are several switches that must be flipped in a woman to make her feel attracted to you. Here is his list (there is no order, the switches just should be flipped at some point)

1. You must show her that you’re safe. Trust is an important issue for most women. This must be demonstrated.

2. You must show her that you have either ambition, motivation, or job/financial security. In other words, you must have a life and goals. This is about demonstrating that you have STABILITY and AMBITION. You don’t have to be successful, you just have to show the potential to be successful (unless you’re in your 30s, at which point you should have achieved something).

3. You must show her that you’re different than the other guys, that you are not generic or boring, that she can learn something from you or grow with you, that you have a sense of adventure or creativity or spirituality. This is about showing her that you HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER, even if you don’t give it to her in the moment. This is where demonstrations of higher value (DHVs) are useful.

4. You must be the PRIZE of the room. She wants a guy others will envy her for, that she can brag about to her friends. This is where social proof comes in, where story-telling comes in. It’s also where alpha qualities come in, cocky/funny, and not supplicating. This point is about demonstrating all of the many qualities of CONFIDENCE, LEADERSHIP, AUTHORITY, and POPULARITY

5. It’s a big world and we all feel alone in it, so if you can demonstrate that you UNDERSTAND her and where she comes from, she will feel chemistry. This can largely be done through demonstrating either cultural, mental, emotional, world view, humor, or life/background commonalities. The more obscure and rare a trait that you connect on, the more chemistry you create. This point is about demonstrating COMMONALITIES in order to trigger CHEMISTRY.

6. You need an aura of depth and mystery. You must maybe show a vulnerable or wounded side of yourself, you must not give away everything for free, you must be a puzzle she wants to figure out and maybe even have a wound she can heal. Switch #6 is about hooking her with your DEPTH and MYSTERY.

7. You must show her that you are NOT horny, but sexual. This is where social proof comes in too, also demonstrating an understanding of her world (liking her for who SHE is). The idea here is to demonstrate your own LACK OF DESPERATION while showing her that you RECOGNIZE SOMETHING SPECIAL IN HER THAT ATTRACTS YOU TO HER. This is where QUALIFYING is useful, in other words demonstrating that you like her for who she is.

P.S. Always keep in mind that your body language tells more about you than anything else.

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Why You Should Touch People on the Upper Arm

Its a fact: Most guys who arent good with women dont use kino (kinesthetics), that is touching, at all! Some of them are so nervous meeting a girl that they forget about touching completely and when it comes to their mind it feels awkward (the logic: I havent touched her the whole time, so it would be strange to do it now).

However, one cannot overemphasise the importance of touching. In fact, studies show that 65 % of women accept the offer of a dance when being (briefly) touched on the arm – compared with 43 % when not being touched (Gueguen, N. 2007). On the street, 20 % of women are willing to give their telephone number when you approach with a brief touch on the upper arm. Without touching only 10 % agree. You are even 20 % more likely to get money from a stranger on the street if you approach with a brief touch on the upper arm.

The reason why touching is so effective is because it is unconsciously perceived as an indicator of high status (Major & Heslin, 1982; Summerhayes & Suchner 1978). And as you probably know nothing is more important for women than your status (not even shoes, because it?™s your status that is promising shoes etc.). From the evolutionary perspective, men with a high status are ideal because they are able to provide for the family.

Most women don?™t consciously register the touch, but unconsciously they feel a positive effect. And no, it?™s not weird being “the touchy guy” – as long as you are authentic. That means you need to be the touchy guy all the time, with everyone and not only with her in a cozy lounge. Give guys a high five, a friendly pat on the back, touch the upper arm of a girl when you ask for directions and your value will skyrocket (without being the old-bold-asshole in a Ferrari).

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

VIDEO: PUA Tyler Durden Infield & On Conveying Honest Signals

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

Why You DON’T Need Money or Good Looks to Get Beautiful Women


Most men believe all it takes is money or good looks to attract women. You see it all the times in Hollywood movies where the rich guy is walking into restaurants with a gorgeous woman besides him. Other times when you’re walking down the street you see a male model walking with a stunner. All these images reinforce the belief that you need money or good looks to get women.

There is a little bit of truth in there. Having wealth will make it easier for you to attract women and so does good looks. But having those traits alone is by far not enough. These will get your foot in the door, but you will still need to display your attractive personality and have good conversational skills. No woman wants to be with a quiet millionaire or male model who can’t have conversations with her or who can’t turn her on. Luckily for you, even if you are not good looking or wealthy, you can still date these types of women if you know the right things to do.

There are certain traits women want in a guy. Knowing these traits will equal the playing for average men like you and me.

For example, there are some attraction switches. These are traits that every woman finds attractive in men. If you can display these traits (or turn on those “switches”) any woman will get attracted to you. Wealth is one of attraction switches and so is health (which is “mother” of good looks) but there are six more (you will be surprised what some of the other ones are).

You are fortunate that you are a guy, because the way attraction works for women is different than for men (as further explained in the book). Guys assume women think just like them so they assume the way attraction works is also the same. This can’t be further from the truth. For men is mostly defined by a woman’s looks. We want young, slim, and healthy looking women. Women view attraction very differently. Looks still matter, but what matter more is the social status of the man.

Here is an insight to female psychology: women want to be desired by powerful men. That is the biggest turn on for women. Now that does not mean that power equals wealth. She will get attracted to you if she perceives you as more powerful than she is. By having surmounts of wealth is just one way to do that. Another way to display that is by being more mature & experienced than her (why do you think most women date guys older than them) or you have a higher position within society than her (e.g. you are a lawyer versus she is a hair dresser).

Everyone has attractive personality traits, but you have to know how to precisely convey those to women. Bragging is a big turn off for women. Even if you have millions of dollars you still cannot get the girl if you brag about it. So what if you aren’t a millionaire? You can still get the girls knowing what the attraction switches are. Why do you think women fall head over heels over BROKE musicians?

P.S. This Mind Hack Makes Hot Girls Want You

The 10 Best Disqualifiers

Attractive women on a daily basis have dozens of men come up to them and validate their beauty with compliments and sometimes gifts. It gets so that women find this boring or

even annoying.

Some women even develop tactics that help them weed through this multitude of boring nice guys just attracted to them for their looks. I mean I can’t blame them because I could

see how all those AFCs would get super boring.

The women get tough and test guys with attitude. In a manner of speaking this is the female way of Disqualifying and Qualifying men. They play the GAME too.

Disqualifying a woman allows you to show her that you aren’t like all the other guys who are just attracted to her for her looks. It lets her work for your attraction. It sets you up as a

PUA to allow her to display something more about herself for you to be attracted to other than her looks.

So now that you understand the concept let’s look at some methods to DQ:

1. Ignoring the target and spending more time speaking to her friends is a good way to start.

2. Disagreeing with a woman’s opinion on an item to show her you won’t cave your ideals to hers just because she’s attractive.

3. Teasing a woman with a playful joke like saying “You don’t get out much do you?” Remember always smile when you tease. Sometimes these types of DQs are called “pebbles.”

4. Letting a woman know that their is something about her that prohibits you from dating her. Such as “You’re a Scorpio? I never date Scorpios…dram, drama, drama.” Remember to


5. Or simply implying that you are spoken for: “My girlfriend would like your dress.”

When you use a DQ be sure to not wait for your target to react. It’s important that she perceives it as something you just casually say and didn’t over-think or plan out.

If the DQ is more of a tease that could come off as an insult you should always smile. Smiling allows the target to know that you are not fully serious. You’re just flirting…that’s what the smile says.

The 10 Best Disqualifiers (DQs):

1. “You should go back to your friends. I think the kids at the nerd table really miss you.”

2. “I bet you were the type of kid that always got spaghetti sauce all over your face.”

3. “Note to self: Do not date this girl.” (pretend to take a note on your hand)

4. “I bet there are tons of guys waiting to meet you on the Internet.”

5. “I don’t let women like you into my house without a background check first.”

6. “You are so bad at being pretty.”

7. “Check this girl out. She’s amazing, and so bright and funny. Would you believe she’s never had a date?”

8. “Yeah, you’re like the coolest girl I’ve met in this location in the last 2 minutes.”

9. “You are such a dork, it’s really adorable.”

10. “You’re such a nice girl. I really shouldn’t even be talking to you.”