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Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Get Girls in a Club

1. Warm up: Approach at least 5 random people on the street before going to a club.

2. Get to the club half an hour before everyone is going. This way you reduce the chances girls have already been approached by some guys and have their bitch shield? on. Also, they are still willing to be approached by a confident, funny guy. A guy like you!

3. Coming into a club smile and open a set immediately. It doesnt matter what you say, what counts is that you look like a social guy. As you open, make a habit to touch the person on the shoulder lightly. Forget about people judging you. I think Neil Strauss, author of The Game, puts said it best: People don’t really care about what you’re doing in a club, they are too busy worrying what other people are thinking about THEM.

For example ask ‘where is the VIP room? How many rooms are here?’? etc. Pretend to walk away and then ask ‘Hey, are you best friends? Yeah? Because there is a cool test for best friends I’ve read in the Cosmopolitan.’? Now they will wanna know why a guy reads Cosmopolitan (you were at the dentist and it was the only magazine in the waiting room).
Do the best friends test and continue with other routines.

Can’t find the right set to open? Ask the barman or the bouncer something (for example: ‘Why is the club is so empty?’ Try to talk at least for a minute. It’s important that girls/ guys see you talking to people.

4. Place yourself at the bar facing the dance floor. Sit down if you can and put your elbow on the counter. Don’t order drinks and hold the bottle in front of your chest (it’s what everybody does and you’re not everybody).

5. As you are there early, girls will come up to the bar and order drinks. If they are close to you, touch her lightly on the shoulder saying ‘Hey, what perfume is that?’ As she goes away, say: ‘the reason why I’m asking is because a want to make a present to a female friend, but I’m absolutely clueless. And I think if I ask in a store they will simply recommend me the most expensive one…’

Sometimes she will say ‘Oh, I don’t even know?…’ Don’t let you fool you, say: ‘Come on, you probably have like 17 small bottles in front of your mirror.’ She probably will say: ‘No!! I’m not that type of girl!’? You: Ok, 16 then’?. Tease her a bit, flirt with her. Don’t forget to engage her friend.

When they finally want to move along, join them or say ‘Hey, you seem like really cool guys, can I join you until my friends show up? They must be here any minute…’? If they say no, keep your smile and don’t worry: They are not your last set. (And you probably will see them later in the club anyway and it will be easy to continue your conversation).

Stay at your place and open sets immediately that are to your left or right saying ‘Hey, did you see these (girls)? She said she likes your ass!’ (it doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a girl). Transition with your routines. New game, new luck!

P.S. Two important things to keep in mind:

1) Never let them affect your state in a negative way (at least never show it!), because it will fuck up your next set. Learn to not give a fuck about stuff like that and especially shit tests.

2) Always kino escalate (touching)! Otherwise it will be really awkward to touch for the first time.

Need some inspiration? Check this video:

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7 Great Openers for Mixed Sets by Juggler

A simple way to open a mixed set is to approach one group member, make friends with him or her and simply ask that person to introduce you to everybody else. But you can also approach all members of the group using specific openers.

Here are 7 great openers for mixed sets (guys AND girls) by Juggler:

1. “It’s interesting that when you have a group of four or more people together like this, the tallest always stands across from the shortest.” – Alter as needed.

2. “Do you guys want to see a magic trick? Alright, close your eyes.” (Take the cute girl by the hand away from the group while everybody’s eyes are closed. Do not return.)

3. “Hey guys! They say in a group there is always one person that nobody really likes. Is that true?” When somebody says “No”, say “And they say the person who says ‘no’ is that person!”

4. “You see that group over there? They said they are more fun than your group. Please prove to me they are wrong.”

5. “Who is the leader here?” (They all point). Say playfully to leader, “What qualifies you to be in charge?”, “Do you know what alpha means?”

6. “Where have I seen you guys before? Were you at so and so’s party? The one where the stripper gave a lap dance to the clown.”

7. “I bet I can use my Psychic powers to figure out how everybody knows each other. Mmmmm let’s see. I am getting a vibe. Yes there it is. You are all members of the same nudist club. I can tell because you are very comfortable with each other but not comfortable with your clothes. (Whisper to girl) “Which guy is the biggest?” “Really, I would have never guessed. Of course it is what you do with it that counts.

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The Cologne Opener by Neil Strauss (The Game)

Here is a simple opener that Neil Strauss aka Style mentions in The Game:

“Hey guys, I want your opinion on something. I have two different colognes on
my wrists, and I want to see which one you smells better.” (Let them smell the cologne. Be cocky and funny, neg the target, etc.)
“The reason is, I have so many colognes from my ex-girlfriends on my shelf, and I want to give some of them away and keep the best ones.”
After she picks one, pull out a pen and make a mark on your wrist, next to five or ten others.
If she asks So what are they?, say This one is hemlock, this one is chloroform?, if not, say it anyway ;)

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How to Approach Women – New Openers

If you want to approach a woman you need to know what to say – you need an opener. You probably already know the “Hey guys, me and my buddy have a debate: Who lies more – men or women?” or “Is kissing cheating?” or “Do you floss before or after you brush?” -openers. So how about some fresh ones? Here is a list of new openers (by PUA_Swagger, Zeyn, Reef, Dallas, Gigantor, The MusicMan, Galego, Wadders, Silver Tongue, Themoose, Static, Tao, SmoothCriminal):

YOU: “You seem like you’re smart.”
HER: “Yes, I am.”
YOU: “OK, we’ll see how smart you are. I’m going to ask three questions and you have to answer as fast as you can, you game?”
HER: “Sure.”
YOU: “OK, do you own a refrigerator?”
HER: “Yes.”
YOU: “What’s the most common color refrigerator ever made?”
HER: “White.”
YOU: “What do cows drink?
HER: “Milk.”
YOU: “Nooooooo! Wrong, I don’t know if we could hang out.”

YOU: “I have to get back to my friends in a minute, but I need a female opinion on something.”
HER: “What’s that?”
YOU: “My ten-year-old brother Mike just texted me, and apparently there’s this girl in his class named Stephanie that he has a huge crush on, but he isn’t sure how to express it to her. If you were ten years old again, how would you want a boy to show you that he likes you?”
HER: “Well I think that _________.”
YOU: That makes sense. I’ll let him know he should try that.”

YOU: “Let me buy you and your friends a drink.”
HER: “OK.”
(Roll up to the bar and get however many corresponding shots of water so it looks like vodka or tequila. Then bring the shots and announce a toast as they wait for me to roll out the scene thinking they just made a sucker out of me. I wait for the response after they shoot the water and walk off. I wait for them to talk shit to build value and establish me as different and then proceed to re-open the set.)

YOU: “Hi, [insert time constraint]. On a scale from one to ten, how good of an age to get married is nineteen?”
HER: “Zero, or five.”
YOU: “So, you agree with me that it’s a bad choice! That’s what I tell my little [sister/cousin/niece] but she won’t listen.”
HER: “It’s an eight, or nine.”
YOU: “But not a ten so you would hesitate.”
HER: “Ummm…yes.”
YOU: “Hesitation is bad news, that’s why I tell my little [sister/cousin/niece] that it’s a bad choice but she won’t listen.”
HER: “Ten! It’s great!”
YOU: “I knew you looked like trouble, I’ll never introduce you to my little (sister/cousin/niece).”

YOU: “Just curious, do you wear the color red a lot? The reason I’m asking is because I read this thing on the Internet about the psychology of color, and how the colors you wear project a certain aspect of your personality to the world. You wearing red means you’re an energetic person, full of excitement. Too much red can overwhelm people, but with just enough, there have been studies done that people surrounded by red feel their hearts beating faster and feel out of breath in a good way. ”

[while using a fake or invisible microphone]
YOU: “How does it feel to be invited here tonight?” (have the frame of asking red carpet like questions)
HER: “________.”
YOU: “Say something to all your adoring fans out there?”

[get close to her and be serious for a moment, after laughing is usually a good time]
YOU: “Did you hear about that car crash that happened at [insert place]?”
HER: “No! What happened?”
YOU: “Well there were two cars…one went this way [cross your right hand to be kinda by her right cheek]. And one went this way [cross my left hand to be kinda by her left cheek]. And then they collided [light tap to both cheeks]!”

YOU: “Out of curiosity, I have to ask—what exactly are you drinking?”
HER: “I’m drinking ______.”
YOU: “Well, the reason I’m asking is because I was just talking with my friend and he was telling me all about how you can tell a lot about a person based on what they drink at Starbucks [or just say any coffee shop]. He seemed really excited about it, and I just had to see if it was true.”
HER: “Haha, oh really? Well what’s a _______ mean?”

>From here just go to a bunch of basic personality types often commenting on her energy (for espresso), sense of calm (tea), sensitivity (chocolate drink), or likes to be pampered/needs time to warm up to people (frappuccino).

YOU: “Hey guys quick question. OK, so it’s almost summer and of course every girl is trying to get a bikini perfect body. And you always see a bunch of girls spending hours and hours on treadmills… say, if you guys work-out, would you ever consider doing weights? I’ll tell you why I am asking in a second. I mean, are you guys the cardio-only girl or the also do weights girl?” (Let them talk amongst themselves and when they answer…I high five the girls that do weights, and tease the girls that only run on treadmills.)

[Note: depending on the time of the year, summer would be “So, it’s summer”, after summer would be “I know summer passed, but of course every girl is still interested in getting a bikini perfect body.”]

YOU: “Hey I really like your ring. You could totally kick someone’s ass with that. I will call you if I ever get into a fight.”

YOU: “Hey X, I want to get your take on something real quick [insert time constraint]. If an average looking guy approached you on the
street or in a bar and had food in his teeth or his fly open, would you let him know?”
HER: “_____________.”
YOU: “Interesting answers, but that’s not my real question. My real question is if the same thing happened but the guy was really attractive, would it make a difference? [be sure to add root of why you’re asking here]”

YOU: “Excuse me, I want your advice for a moment [provide time constraint here] while my friend is at the bar [gesture to wingman at the bar]. We’re only here for a week on business and were wondering where the better places to go are? I’m only asking you because you are better dressed than anyone else in here.”
HER: “________________.”
WINGMAN to YOU: “I can’t leave you alone for 2 minutes can I?”
YOU: “No I was just asking these, girls where’s a good place to go round here, but they haven’t got me convinced that they know.” [give playful smile to let them know you are only teasing]

YOU: “On a scale from 1 to 10, what’s the meaning of life?”

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Oct 28, 2012 - Approach, openers, Opening    No Comments

The Bullet-Proof Way to Start a Conversation

Every approach begins with an opener, the springboard to start a conversation. This early moment sets the tone for the interaction and breaks the ice.

Any bullet-proof opener will help you achieve three goals:

1. It’s an un-threatening approach to open the person or group up for having a conversation

2. It stirs up curiosity and captures the person or group’s imagination

3. It’s a springboard for additional follow-up conversational threads

What Makes an Opener “bullet-proof”?

There a few ingredients that allow you to approach smoothly without seeming awkward and give you a built-in “safety net” to eject if necessary. Here are the ingredients:

1. ROOT – The first question that runs through anyone’s mind who is approached by a stranger is this:

“Why is this guy talking to me? What does he want?”

The root in an opener communicates from the beginning WHY you are talking to the person. It explains the reason of your approach.

2. TIME CONSTRAINT – The second question that crosses the mind of anyone who is approached:

“How long do I have to talk to this guy? When will he leave again?”

(She obviously doesn’t know yet how interesting you really are :)) By embedding a time constraint in your opener, you will answer this question from the beginning. A time constraint looks like this:

“I have only a minute. I’m already late for a meeting.” It also has a second advantage. If you

need to eject, you can, say at any time: “I have to run. Pleasure meeting you.”

3. OPEN-ENDED Question. If you ask a Yes/No question it will be a VERY short conversation. Posing questions that elicit a longer response will give you more opportunities to start another conversational thread and more time to think.

Here’s an example of a bullet-proof opinion opener:

You: Hey guys, let me get your opinion on something. I’m trying to help my friend and I’d like to get a female opinion. (This is the root explaining why you are asking the question)

Group of Girls: What?

You: Okay, I’ve only got a minute. Do you follow the advice given to you by your horoscopes? I have a reason for asking. Let me just get your opinions then I’ll tell you why I’m asking.

(There’s the time constraint and the open ended question)

Group of Girls: …

(Sometimes this will already start a conversation. But there is more. The second part of this opener transitions into a little story)

You: The reason I’m asking is because my friend met a girl at a party last weekend, who said that her horoscope told her that she would meet her future husband. They actually hooked up. Now, the strange thing is, ever since then, my friend can’t stop thinking of her. He always wants to hang out with this girl, 24/7. He says he’s in love with her. Do you think it’s the horoscope’s prediction or just psychology?

Group of Girls: …

(This will lead to conversations about astrology, destiny and a lot of other topics.)

Keep in mind: A good opener is NOT just about the words you say but about HOW you communicate in these 4 levels:

Level 1: The words that you say.

Level 2: The vocal intonation you use.

Level 3: The type of eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and body language you display.

Level 4: The attitude you are feeling, and the energy you are projecting.

What does that mean?

It means just because you know the WORDS, does not mean you can USE the opener. It comes down to PRACTICE and REPETITION.

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Neil Strauss (Style) Interview with Brad P.

The Horse Girl Opener by Brad P.

Point to a girl with a “Don’t I know you?” look on your face. Then, say “Do you like horses?”

It’s a strange question and it makes her wonder “Why would he ask me this? I need to know!”

Her: “Yes / No / Maybe.”

You: “I’m asking because in my 7th grade there was a girl who loved horses. She drew horses on her binder and ran around making horse noises. We called her the weird horse girl. You
look just like her.”

Her: (laughing) “I’m not the weird horse girl. Where did you go to school?”

You: “I’m not sure if you’re her. Maybe you won’t admit it. But if you are, I want to say sorry. In school I was the cool kid. I made fun of the horse girl. Now I’m trying to be a better person and I never make fun of people. I promised myself if I ever saw you I’d apologize.”

Her: (smiling) “Awwww…I guess I can forgive you.”

You: (go for the hug)

The Two-Part Kiss Opener

You are probably familiar with opinion openers like the jealous girlfriend opener, who lies more etc. The problem with these openers is that they appeal mostly to women. And as you know women often go out with guys (mixed set) who are “just friends”. So how about an opinion opener for mixed sets?

The two-part kiss opener appeals to guys first and foremost. But girls get super into it also. And it gives you a way to AMOG (to be the Alpha Male Of the Group) guys in front of women. The opener goes like this:

You: Hey guys, we’re having a debate and need a quick opinion on something. If a guy is dating a girl and she goes out to a bar with her friends one night and makes out with a guy just for fun, is it cheating?
Group: Yeah, it’s cheating.
You: Okay, that makes sense. So here’s the real question. And I’ll tell you why I’m asking in a second…If she goes out and gets drunk and makes out with a GIRL for fun, is it cheating?
Group: (the responses will vary, but if any guys say “no,” you can bust on them for having a
double-standard etc.)
You: Okay. Interesting. The reason I’m asking is because my friend over there has been dating this girl. And she likes to go out and get drunk and make out with girls. Now, some guys might be into that, but it pisses him off and he thinks it’s cheating. She says it isn’t. So we were trying to figure out who was right.
Group: (discussion ensues, which you will have to soon cut off and move into your next piece of material because they will go on and on about this and stale the topic).