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Warmth Builder Routine by Bishop

Hold her hand with her palm up. Put your index finger in the center of her palm, and tell her to focus on the warmth in that spot your finger is on.
Then tell her to imagine a shape (any shape she wants and she is not to tell you what shape she chooses)
Next tell her to imagine that shape is sloooowly….riiising….up from that spot of warmth. (raise you index finger up to prompt her to raise her shape)
Tell her it is floating…rotating…around…and with each rotation…it gets warmer…and warmer…and warmer.
Then tell her to slooowly let that shape sink back down into the spot it rose from.
Next tell her to feel the warmth, as it travels UP from her hand…to her wrist…and it stops in that spot where the arm bends. (Your index finger will be tracing the movement)
While it is stopped here, invite her to notice how much warmer it became as it moved to this spot.
Then have it start moving again, this time travelling up and stopping on her shoulder.
Invite her to notice how that warmth is now even stronger…and more fulfilling.
Continue moving and stopping at her “charm” zone (that’s the area where a charm on a necklace would be resting).
Again invite her to notice how even warmer and more fulfilling it continues to get.
The move and stop on her “heart” zone (Stop tracing it from this point, as it might be too intrusive to her).
Again inviting her to notice the growing warmth and fulfillment.
Then move it down to her solar plexus (And here use EXACTLY this wording, “And notice how that warmth seems to double…maybe even triple in intensity…as if the core of all that warmth…all that fulfillment..came from…right…in…here.” Then poke her solar plexus to
anchor it!)
Then tell her to continue moving that incredibly warm and fulfilling shape down (and tell her something like, “Continue this movement, even though you think you might explode…with enjoyment.” )
Then swoop your hand BY her crotch, at an angle, and say, “And just let all of this flow right out and through you.” (Make sure you do NOT stop your hand by her crotch, because it’s too blatant. Instead, move your hand BY her crotch, at an angle, and over her right or left leg)
And then SHUT UP and let the first words be out of HER mouth, so you know what result you got and where you might need to take the sarge from this point!

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

VIDEO: PUA Tyler Durden Infield & On Conveying Honest Signals

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

The Strawberry Fields Routine

The “Strawberry Fields Routine” is designed for physical escalation. You should use it only when you have developed sufficient rapport with the girl. It’s good routine for transition from comfort to sex. There are only three questions:

1) “Imagine that you are now standing at the gates of a strawberry field. You are alone. There are tasty, ripe strawberries in the field. How high are the gates surrounding the field?” (This indicates how easy or hard the girl is to give sex)

2) “Imagine you’re now inside the strawberry field. How many strawberries do you pick and eat?” (This indicates the number of sex partners she desires)

3) “After you finish eating the strawberries, you realize that you have been observed by the farmer from afar. How do you feel about him?” (This indicates how she feels about her partner after sex)

The Body Language and Physical Escalation DVD is out!

The guys from Love Systems finally did it: The Body Language and Physical Escalation DVD is finished. Here is an interview with Cajun, a great PUA and one of the guys behind the DVD:

What is the Beyond Words DVD Home Study Course about?

Cajun: A lot of guys ask me on the forums and in emails how they can improve their body language so they can better approach and attract women. It’s hard to show it to them because it is something you have to see. A lot of body language is very subtle and that is hard to convey in text. You can read about body language in books but it’s not the same as when you can visually see it.

A couple months ago I flew to London to work with Vercetti, who is a trained Shakespearean actor and fellow Love Systems coach, to make this DVD home study course. We wanted to share our newest and proven methods to attract women using non-verbal communication.

Instead of writing a book, we decided to make a DVD because you can visually learn how to improve your body language. With help of Mr M, Keychain and 5.0 we also made an extra segment on physical escalation. Again, touching and physical escalation (“kino”) can be better taught by using a visual medium.

Why is body language so important?

Cajun: A lot of guys think what you say is the most important thing when it comes to attracting women. That couldn’t be further from the truth. It doesn’t matter what you say, it is how you say it. With the “how” I mean your tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, and what we call “subcommunications” and “subtext”.

In the DVD set we cover all these aspects and explain in depth why your non-verbal communication is much more important than your verbal. Scientific studies have shown that most communication between people is non-verbal. In this clip I tell why non-verbal communication is important (a sneak preview of the DVD).

Can you give one tip that someone can use right now to improve their body language?

Cajun: The simplest thing you can do today is to work on your posture. In the DVD we cover the Alexander technique on how that can improve your posture dramatically. Trained actors use this all the time.

Girls will reject you before you even approach if you have bad posture, because it subcommunicates a lot of bad things about you. This goes especially for guys who have sit behind a computer a lot.

A simple exercise you can do is to do row exercises at the gym and squats. Also, whenever you sit behind your desk, be conscious of your posture. Don’t slouch, sit tall and keep your back erect. If you buy a swiss ball and use that as your chair behind your desk, you will be forced to sit up straight and it will fix your posture that way too.

Anything else you want to share?

Cajun: I’m really excited about the Beyond Words DVD set. Finally I’ve been able to reveal all my body language and subtext secrets that I normally only teach on my workshops and 1on1 sessions. This DVD is one of a kind and you can finally learn how to properly physically escalate (“kino”) and how to use your body language so it becomes easier to meet and attract women.

For more information on Cajun and his Beyond Words DVD Home Study Course, click here.

Don’t forget to check out the other preview clips:

Vercetti on First Impressions
Vercetti on Beer Shield
5.0 on Breaking Contact

How to Progress Sexually With Women

Most men are interested in dating science because they want to get better at interacting with beautiful women. Whether your goal is to land a playboy model or to start dating that cute girl at Starbucks, you need to learn how to sexually progress.

Otherwise, you are likely to get the all too familiar “let’s just be friends”. Unfortunately, most men are afraid to act out on their sexual desires, and the result is that they never push any boundaries with women. This causes their game to plateau below their potential, leaving the best opportunities to those willing to push the limits.

If you are too afraid to leave your comfort zone while learning to meet women of quality, you will find that the quality of women you approach is always low. You must push the limits of sexual escalation before you can find the right balance. Without ever pushing too far or too fast, you will never know if you are pushing fast or far enough. When you don’t get the result you wanted with a woman, make note of it, and then you adjust your approach for next time.

A prerequisite for being able to progress with women is understanding that they enjoy sex just as much as men – they just take a different route towards sex. Here are some practical tips:

1) You Don’t Need “Big Moves”

When meeting women you should always be commanding a sexual presence. Your two best tools for this are speech and body language. To start off, try holding your initial handshake for a second longer than normal while keeping eye contact. After that, try calibrating her to see if she is receptive to your sexual overtones. When talking, keep a slow pace, measured pace, and make sure to use pauses to add effect. Have fun with this – you can even try ordering a coffee using sexual subtext.

By immediately creating a sexual presence and calibrating the situation you can quickly screen for a women’s sexual openness. That way, if she doesn’t respond you can quickly move on to something else.

2) Leave Them Better Than You Found Them

Don’t make a girl do something she doesn’t want to do – she should feel great doing even the most “dirty” things. Make her feel like she is sharing in a fun, exciting sexual adventure with you.

This also applies to setting the right frame for later on when you progress further. If there is something you want to happen down the road, make her feel good about it. Tell her “you would look so hot doing …” or “the most fun I ever had with a woman was doing…” Those sorts of statements will create positive associations with whatever sex act you are talking about.

Most women derive pleasure from pleasing someone they like. Let her know you are enjoying whatever she is doing to/for/with you. Tell her “I love the way you do that” or “you look really sexy doing that”. It is important to be supportive of a woman as you progress with her. Men that express their sexual desires without any regard for the woman are considered to be sleazy, and you don’t want to fall into that group. This sort of disregard for women is also a good way of guaranteeing there will be no repeat performances.

3) Creating the Right State of Mind

To successfully progress with a woman, you must demonstrate to her that you want her, but that you do not need her. This is another example of the importance of finding the right balance. If you pretend you are not interested whatsoever, she will move on to someone else, or just peg you as a friend. However, if you act needy towards her, she will be turned off. Beautiful women like a little bit of a challenge. That is where wanting comes in – make it clear that while you are interested in her sexually, you live in a state of abundance, and will meet your needs somewhere else if she doesn’t respond to you. Basically, you must always be willing to walk away.

Finally, I know I’ve written about this before, but it is essential to remember that this is all a part of one great learning process. There is no such thing as rejection – only feedback. As you start to push the limits of sexual escalation, keep track of how women are reacting. Be confident, have fun with it, and keep escalating faster and further until you have to bring things down a notch – that is when you know you are starting to approach the right balance in your game.

To find out more information on turning an interaction more sexual, check out this audio download by Love Systems. The first 10 minutes are FREE.

Four Tips on How to Close at Her Place

If you want to take a girl home, there are certain things you have to be aware of. Here are four tips for closing at her place:

1) Find out where she lives.

This step seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how often it is unintentionally left out. When you know where a woman lives, you can plan ahead to deal with the logistical problems you’re going to hit later.
Does she live near the venue? Does she have a roommate? Is she in a dorm? Do you know of a cool bar/after hours joint near her place? When you want to bounce her back there, are you going to drive, walk, or take a cab? Even if you end up with a phone number + date instead of going home with her, this info will be useful for when you go out again.

A few scenarios to consider and how to deal with them:

– Roommates: When there is a separate bedroom to retreat to, sacrificing a few minutes of conversation to win over the roommate(s) will make your being there a lot more comfortable. After they trust you, you can use any nonsense reason to bounce your girl to her bedroom. “Bet my room is cleaner than yours,” is one example.

– Cab ride: If she lives a cab ride away, be sure to keep up the momentum in the car, and continue to build up physical intimacy. If you were touching her arm in the bar, touch her leg in the cab. If you were about to make out in the bar, make out in the cab. Avoid cabs with bucket seats that make physical contact impossible.
– Dorm: If there’s a security guard, you can go through the lengthy (and vibe-killing) process of giving him your ID and signing in, or you can tell the girl to slide her card through and sneak in behind her. You get points for being resourceful, and it’s exciting because it seems like you’re doing something wrong.

– Shared bedroom: There are public bathrooms in dorms and hotels that I have found very accommodating when dealing with shared room situations. Be sure and scan for them when entering, and when it’s time to bounce to it, tell the girl that you’re “taking her on a field trip.”

2) Amp up the physical tension.

If you can get a girl sexually excited, then she’s going to want to bring you to a place where you can have sex as quickly as humanly possible. Here are a few quick pointers to get you started:
– Always end a touch or kiss before they do/want you to.
– Drop the topic of sex into conversation (in a light, joking way) as quickly as possible.
– Start touching the way you’d touch your boss and build to the way you’d touch a girlfriend.

3) “Let’s get you home.”

It’s easy to think of reasons to give a woman why she has to come back to your place. Keep it simple. “Let me show you that book I was talking about,” is perfect. It gives her plausible deniability and doesn’t tip your hand.

It’s harder to do this with her place. “Do you want to take me home with you?” makes you sound like a stray dog, not a man. “Let’s go to your place” is totally cliché thanks to every movie from the 1970s. “Let’s get out of here” is great if it’s obvious and explicit that she wants to have sex, but if you’re still flying a bit under the radar or her friends are around, you’re going to need something a little more subtle.
Instead, take the lead with “let’s get you home.” It’s a little dominant, it shows you know how to lead, but it also doesn’t trigger state breaks. If her friends are around, it implies that you are just going to make sure that she gets home safe. She shouldn’t feel any pressure since there’s really nothing implied. And if nothing’s going to happen, then there’s no reason she can’t bail on her friends, right?

(If you don’t remember state breaks, review Chapter 10 of Magic Bullets now. If you haven’t read Magic Bullets, get it. It’s the official Love Systems guide to meeting and attracting women, and where most successful guys start.)

4) Assume you’re going upstairs.

There’s nothing more awkward than walking a woman home and standing there silent for an eternity waiting for her to invite you up. Avoid this situation by assuming that she’ll be bringing you upstairs. Do not pause by the door. Do not say “Well, it was nice hanging out with you.” Keep the momentum of the interaction going as though you are still in the process of hanging out. If she has to invite you in, that’s risking a state break. Of course, there will be times when she suggests that you don’t come up, either because she doesn’t want to appear easy, or because she thinks letting you upstairs is an implicit agreement that you’ll be sleeping together. You can usually defuse this by giving yourself a bedtime. “I’ve got work in the morning, so I can only come up for a little bit” is one of my favorites. Say this before she even gets a chance to tell you why you can’t come in – like you coming in is a foregone conclusion.

To find out more information on closing at the girl’s place or getting a girl from the venue back to your place, check out the Love Systems interview series on Logistics. You can listen to the first 10 minutes for FREE!

How to Avoid Last Minute Resistance

Typical scenario: You meet a girl, take her home, heat things up and …Suddenly she says “I can’t do this” or “I gotta go home now”. In the pick-up community, this phenomenon is called Last Minute Resistance (LMR).

But why does Last Minute Resistance happen?

If you want so, women are “designed” to figure out, wheather you will – to quote Mystery – stick around after sex” or not (from the evolutionary standpoint it’s important for her, because she needs you to raise her childs).  If all you showed her the whole evening was “I want sex”, it probably will be difficult for you to get it – unless she has already made up her mind to have sex this night.

So how do you avoid last minute resistance?

First of all, you need to show her that sex isn’t the only thing you are after. You have to build comfort in first place. On the other hand, there are countless guys who are so afraid to even touch that topic and the girl (kino) that the “Friends-Zone” is unavoidable. Or they save those things until they are alone with the girl – and that’s how last minute resistance is generated. So, you have to mix those things up.

Time is also a huge factor – you need to spend some hours with her so that she can begin to trust you and will be “ready” for sex (Mystery speaks of 7 hours, but in my opinion it depends on the quality of this time, in others worlds the activities that you do together in this are much important than the time itself. You could sit around for hours in a cafe or you could go to different places and do exiting activities).

By the way, there is a new Interview Series (on Last Minutes Resistance on the Love Systems Website and the first 10 minutes are free. Check it out here.