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Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Get Girls in a Club

1. Warm up: Approach at least 5 random people on the street before going to a club.

2. Get to the club half an hour before everyone is going. This way you reduce the chances girls have already been approached by some guys and have their bitch shield? on. Also, they are still willing to be approached by a confident, funny guy. A guy like you!

3. Coming into a club smile and open a set immediately. It doesnt matter what you say, what counts is that you look like a social guy. As you open, make a habit to touch the person on the shoulder lightly. Forget about people judging you. I think Neil Strauss, author of The Game, puts said it best: People don’t really care about what you’re doing in a club, they are too busy worrying what other people are thinking about THEM.

For example ask ‘where is the VIP room? How many rooms are here?’? etc. Pretend to walk away and then ask ‘Hey, are you best friends? Yeah? Because there is a cool test for best friends I’ve read in the Cosmopolitan.’? Now they will wanna know why a guy reads Cosmopolitan (you were at the dentist and it was the only magazine in the waiting room).
Do the best friends test and continue with other routines.

Can’t find the right set to open? Ask the barman or the bouncer something (for example: ‘Why is the club is so empty?’ Try to talk at least for a minute. It’s important that girls/ guys see you talking to people.

4. Place yourself at the bar facing the dance floor. Sit down if you can and put your elbow on the counter. Don’t order drinks and hold the bottle in front of your chest (it’s what everybody does and you’re not everybody).

5. As you are there early, girls will come up to the bar and order drinks. If they are close to you, touch her lightly on the shoulder saying ‘Hey, what perfume is that?’ As she goes away, say: ‘the reason why I’m asking is because a want to make a present to a female friend, but I’m absolutely clueless. And I think if I ask in a store they will simply recommend me the most expensive one…’

Sometimes she will say ‘Oh, I don’t even know?…’ Don’t let you fool you, say: ‘Come on, you probably have like 17 small bottles in front of your mirror.’ She probably will say: ‘No!! I’m not that type of girl!’? You: Ok, 16 then’?. Tease her a bit, flirt with her. Don’t forget to engage her friend.

When they finally want to move along, join them or say ‘Hey, you seem like really cool guys, can I join you until my friends show up? They must be here any minute…’? If they say no, keep your smile and don’t worry: They are not your last set. (And you probably will see them later in the club anyway and it will be easy to continue your conversation).

Stay at your place and open sets immediately that are to your left or right saying ‘Hey, did you see these (girls)? She said she likes your ass!’ (it doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a girl). Transition with your routines. New game, new luck!

P.S. Two important things to keep in mind:

1) Never let them affect your state in a negative way (at least never show it!), because it will fuck up your next set. Learn to not give a fuck about stuff like that and especially shit tests.

2) Always kino escalate (touching)! Otherwise it will be really awkward to touch for the first time.

Need some inspiration? Check this video:

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

Neil Strauss’ (Style) 7-Point Plan to Attract Women

According to Neil Strauss, author of The Game, there are several switches that must be flipped in a woman to make her feel attracted to you. Here is his list (there is no order, the switches just should be flipped at some point)

1. You must show her that you’re safe. Trust is an important issue for most women. This must be demonstrated.

2. You must show her that you have either ambition, motivation, or job/financial security. In other words, you must have a life and goals. This is about demonstrating that you have STABILITY and AMBITION. You don’t have to be successful, you just have to show the potential to be successful (unless you’re in your 30s, at which point you should have achieved something).

3. You must show her that you’re different than the other guys, that you are not generic or boring, that she can learn something from you or grow with you, that you have a sense of adventure or creativity or spirituality. This is about showing her that you HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER, even if you don’t give it to her in the moment. This is where demonstrations of higher value (DHVs) are useful.

4. You must be the PRIZE of the room. She wants a guy others will envy her for, that she can brag about to her friends. This is where social proof comes in, where story-telling comes in. It’s also where alpha qualities come in, cocky/funny, and not supplicating. This point is about demonstrating all of the many qualities of CONFIDENCE, LEADERSHIP, AUTHORITY, and POPULARITY

5. It’s a big world and we all feel alone in it, so if you can demonstrate that you UNDERSTAND her and where she comes from, she will feel chemistry. This can largely be done through demonstrating either cultural, mental, emotional, world view, humor, or life/background commonalities. The more obscure and rare a trait that you connect on, the more chemistry you create. This point is about demonstrating COMMONALITIES in order to trigger CHEMISTRY.

6. You need an aura of depth and mystery. You must maybe show a vulnerable or wounded side of yourself, you must not give away everything for free, you must be a puzzle she wants to figure out and maybe even have a wound she can heal. Switch #6 is about hooking her with your DEPTH and MYSTERY.

7. You must show her that you are NOT horny, but sexual. This is where social proof comes in too, also demonstrating an understanding of her world (liking her for who SHE is). The idea here is to demonstrate your own LACK OF DESPERATION while showing her that you RECOGNIZE SOMETHING SPECIAL IN HER THAT ATTRACTS YOU TO HER. This is where QUALIFYING is useful, in other words demonstrating that you like her for who she is.

P.S. Always keep in mind that your body language tells more about you than anything else.

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

Neil Strauss Demonstrates How to Break a Pencil with a One Dollar Bill

“There are things that I can’t tell people face-to-face, whether they’re just friends of mine, or people I love who are close to my life, yet for some reason I’m not afraid to write about them, even though I know they’ll see ‘em.

Even the stuff in The Game, I’ve never told people because I was worried they would judge me. The stuff in Rules Of The Game, in that first story about that really, really old woman. My friends would have just ripped… it would have been publicly humiliating. But I guess I feel if I can write it I can really explain it fully, all the dimensions to it and I can make sure it’s said right, and comes out right. That way I can say it the best way I can possibly say it.” Neil Strauss

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New Interview with Neil Strauss about The Game

P.S. If you have no clue what “The Game” is, check it out on amazon:

How to Pick Up a Girl


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Neil Strauss (Style) Interview with Brad P.

The Horse Girl Opener by Brad P.

Point to a girl with a “Don’t I know you?” look on your face. Then, say “Do you like horses?”

It’s a strange question and it makes her wonder “Why would he ask me this? I need to know!”

Her: “Yes / No / Maybe.”

You: “I’m asking because in my 7th grade there was a girl who loved horses. She drew horses on her binder and ran around making horse noises. We called her the weird horse girl. You
look just like her.”

Her: (laughing) “I’m not the weird horse girl. Where did you go to school?”

You: “I’m not sure if you’re her. Maybe you won’t admit it. But if you are, I want to say sorry. In school I was the cool kid. I made fun of the horse girl. Now I’m trying to be a better person and I never make fun of people. I promised myself if I ever saw you I’d apologize.”

Her: (smiling) “Awwww…I guess I can forgive you.”

You: (go for the hug)