3 Ways to Make People Laugh in Bars
Making people laugh is an incredibly quick way to get interest from beautiful women. Not only that, but it makes dealing with their male and female friends a lot easier.
There are a lot of reasons why this works so well – just remember that humor makes you an asset to whomever you are talking to because laughter releases chemicals that make people feel good.
Now, a lot of people think that becoming funny isn’t possible. They think that you just have to be born that way. NOT TRUE. TONs of people go from awful to incredible. All it takes is proper instruction and lots and lots of practice.
(You have to be willing to make mistakes and learn from them, which is an incredible skill set to have when meeting women as well, but that’s a whole other story.)
Here are 3 ways to make strangers laugh in bars:
Way #1 – Self-Deprecation
The average guy tries to make himself look as cool as possible by bragging about his job, his body, and his history. Doing the opposite – as long as it’s obvious that you’re pretending is one of the easiest ways to make people laugh. For example:
-Tell people that you are a virgin and that this is your first time meeting women.
-Explain how living in your parents’ basement is actually a lot cooler than it sounds.
-Let everyone know that you are actively stalking your last ten girlfriends (or should I say “the last ten girls who made the mistake of telling you where they lived…”).
Just make sure it’s obvious that you’re joking without a lame “just kidding” at the end. Pick things to say that anyone meeting you for the first time would know can’t be true.
Way #2 – Ridiculous Statements
This is somewhat similar to self-deprecation because you’re also saying things that are obviously not true. But instead of being negative, they’re just ridiculous. They key to using ridiculous statements is to back them up with good specifics. Specifics make something funnier and more “realistic” even if it’s obviously not true. For example:
“I’m pretty excited. I finally got my pet zebra in the mail.”
“I heard that astronauts drink for free in this bar. Is that true? Being in space makes me thirsty.”
“I just got back from Australia. Did you know that they call oral sex Ôgoing up’ over there?”
My favorite thing about ridiculous statements is that sometimes you don’t even have to make them up. If you ever trip over your words or get confused about the details in a story, then that can be the start of a great ridiculous statement. Pretend that the mistake is what you meant to say. Stick with it and see where it goes.
Way #3 – Misinterpretation
This started out as one of my favorite games to play in bars and ended up being a great way to make people laugh. Because bars are so loud, I’d pretend like I misheard people and respond to things they didn’t say…
THEM: “So, where did you grow up?”
YOU: “No, I don’t need another drink. Thanks, though.”
Then I thought, “this would be even funnier if it wasn’t loud at all.” I started mishearing things in quiet bars and it got even better reactions than before, so long as they could tell that I was kidding. After a while I started misinterpreting everything. Some nights, just for fun, I would decide to interpret everything I heard the exact same way, regardless of what it was…
THEM: “Do you know what time it is?”
YOU: “Wow. Are you really going to hit on me like that without even asking my name?”
THEM: “I grew up in Philadelphia.”
YOU: “Wow. Are you really going to hit on me like that without even asking my name?”
If you’re going to go out and try misinterpretation tonight, make sure you are mishearing them in a way that makes you look good. For example, always assume they are hitting on you, or are asking for your phone number, or trying to buy you a drink. So in a way, this is kind of the opposite of Way #1 (Self-Deprecation).
As with anything, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to go out there and land flat a few times. At least you’ll have a good time doing it!