The 10 Best Disqualifiers
Attractive women on a daily basis have dozens of men come up to them and validate their beauty with compliments and sometimes gifts. It gets so that women find this boring or
even annoying.
Some women even develop tactics that help them weed through this multitude of boring nice guys just attracted to them for their looks. I mean I can’t blame them because I could
see how all those AFCs would get super boring.
The women get tough and test guys with attitude. In a manner of speaking this is the female way of Disqualifying and Qualifying men. They play the GAME too.
Disqualifying a woman allows you to show her that you aren’t like all the other guys who are just attracted to her for her looks. It lets her work for your attraction. It sets you up as a
PUA to allow her to display something more about herself for you to be attracted to other than her looks.
So now that you understand the concept let’s look at some methods to DQ:
1. Ignoring the target and spending more time speaking to her friends is a good way to start.
2. Disagreeing with a woman’s opinion on an item to show her you won’t cave your ideals to hers just because she’s attractive.
3. Teasing a woman with a playful joke like saying “You don’t get out much do you?” Remember always smile when you tease. Sometimes these types of DQs are called “pebbles.”
4. Letting a woman know that their is something about her that prohibits you from dating her. Such as “You’re a Scorpio? I never date Scorpios…dram, drama, drama.” Remember to
5. Or simply implying that you are spoken for: “My girlfriend would like your dress.”
When you use a DQ be sure to not wait for your target to react. It’s important that she perceives it as something you just casually say and didn’t over-think or plan out.
If the DQ is more of a tease that could come off as an insult you should always smile. Smiling allows the target to know that you are not fully serious. You’re just flirting…that’s what the smile says.
The 10 Best Disqualifiers (DQs):
1. “You should go back to your friends. I think the kids at the nerd table really miss you.”
2. “I bet you were the type of kid that always got spaghetti sauce all over your face.”
3. “Note to self: Do not date this girl.” (pretend to take a note on your hand)
4. “I bet there are tons of guys waiting to meet you on the Internet.”
5. “I don’t let women like you into my house without a background check first.”
6. “You are so bad at being pretty.”
7. “Check this girl out. She’s amazing, and so bright and funny. Would you believe she’s never had a date?”
8. “Yeah, you’re like the coolest girl I’ve met in this location in the last 2 minutes.”
9. “You are such a dork, it’s really adorable.”
10. “You’re such a nice girl. I really shouldn’t even be talking to you.”