Why Women Don’t Like Nice Guys
Ever wondered why women are attracted to ‘jerks‘ who treat them like shit?
And why nice guys don’t have the same success? After all nice guys do things like:
– turning up to a first coffee date with flowers & chocolates
– trying to be ‘friends’ with a girl they like, hoping that it can turn into something else when she sees how nice they are
– answer her calls at 3am to hear her crying about how her jerk boyfriend has cheated on her only to find out she’s back with him the next week
Here’s the reason why women don’t like such behaviour:
By constantly supplicating and acceding to everything she asks of you, you become dull, uninteresting & not a challenge. People want and need boundaries, and as such will test them; women will push you until they find yours so they know where they stand and what kind of guy you are.
If you allow her to break a boundary you consider important, for example she is mad at you for no reason and won’t give you an explanation, she will lose respect for you as she knows she can do what she wants and you will put up with it. She is also more likely to repeat this behavior as you have set the precedent that this behavior is acceptable.
Women love confidence and dominance which nice guys NEVER exude – they are too scared of doing something she won’t like and it will result in them losing the girl.
So how do you become this confident guy?
The answer has to do with having abundance. Abundance means to have options – options in your dating life. If you have options in your dating life, your attitude will shift from being needy and clingy to that one girl, to being a lot more chilled and relaxed, should you ‘lose’ her or if she bails on a date etc. This means you have to go out more. If you’re reading more than you’re going out, you won’t be meeting different women.
If you want to find out more on how to be a nice guy who has game and get girls, check out this brand-new interview series with the Love Systems instructors 5.0 and Sheriff.
P.S. The first 10 minutes are FREE!
Very Nice!