The Top 3 Behavior Patterns that Attract All Women
First of all, Happy New Year to you all!
I’m finally back from vacation, where I ran across this beautiful, gorgeous girl – so please bear with me, I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her.
Actually, spending time with her helped me understand better a lot of basic things concerning the interaction between men and women. Here are some key points:
1) Being Self-Confident is important. By now, there are many people telling that you should forget about being confident, because either you have it or not. And if “not” is the case, there is nothing you can do. That’s ridiculous. You gain self-confidence with every approach. And your self-confidence skyrockets with every success. Women look for strong, confident guys – it’s a fact.
2) Being friendly in spite of everything. Nothing scares women off than being rude or harsh. I know what you want to say now: what about the Bad Guys, the Alpha Males that seemingly are rude to girls and still are successful? That’s right, in a way there are harsh, but this is the way they demonstrate dominance and most important: they still give they girls the feeling that they are interested in them (the girls) as human beings, as attractive women. Sometimes it’s only a special look.
So, no matter how she reacts to your approach, comments aso. try to stay relaxed and positive. Keep in mind: Beautiful women often behave harsh at the beginning of an interaction with a guy they don’t know in order to test how he reacts, to see if he’s strong and confident enough. So don’t fail a “shit test” like “You do this to girls all the time?” Simply ignore it or make fun of it (“Yeah, you’re the 9th today.”). This leads to Point #3:
3) Being Strong. That means you have to act like you have already beautiful women in your life and it’s not a big deal to you to talk to a beautiful woman you have just met on the street. Try to behave like she’s not attractive at all. If she’s very beautiful, never make compliments on her looks! She hears it all the time and to her you’re just the next guy who wants in her pants. Instead you can use a “neg” like “That’s a nice hair color! Is it real?” to show her that you’re not impressed by her looks and thus disqualify yourself as a suitor.
Remember: The more experience you get in interacting with women, the BETTER you will get (provided that you don’t make the same mistakes again and again). This means you have to practice a lot. Go out and approach, don’t put it off, start practicing today!
P.S. There is a brand-new e-book called the Online-Game, that I can recommend:
Hi, very nice post. I have been wonder’n bout this issue,so thanks for posting
Hello. I think the article is really interesting. I am even interested in reading more. How soon will you update your blog?
Thanks for reading, Gary!
There is a new post online :-)
Some of us even don’t realize the importance of this information. What a pity.