The Top 5 Places to Meet Girls

If you want to meet new girls, you need to know where to go. Most guys instantly think of clubs and bars. But actually, these places are not that great to meet girls.

Here’s the reason: In clubs girls get hit on all the time (with stuff like “Can I buy you a drink?” or “Are you often here?”) as most guys think it’s the only place where it’s okay to approach girls (and mostly it’s also the only place they have the guts to do it).

So, by and by the girls get pissed off and start acting bitchy in those places (the so-called “bitch shield” is an automatic mechanism to protect yourself from all the horny guys).

Besides, most clubs are too noisy, overcrowded and the cool chill-out places where you can build comfort or make out with a girl are more often than not taken.

Of course, there are also cafés, but if you’re searching for places where women are not attuned to be approached, check out the my list of the Top 5 Places where women behave naturally:

1) Bookstore. It’s a fact: Most customers here are women. Find a nice girl and get a book recommendation.

2) Grocery. Fruit and veg section. Women are into balanced diet. Start a conversation.

3) Drugstore. Same story as in #1 here. Small downside: Most women are in a hurry.

4) Clothing store. Women’s section. Mindframe: You’re looking for a present for a friend. Just ask, women love all kind of fashion questions.

5) Perfumery. Many women here, unfortunately also some overly committed shop assistants.

The cool thing about these places: Women act much more naturally here as only few guys approach them at these places.

P.S. The nail salon, the jewel store and the library are also places where women are among each other. For more places check out Paul Janka’s Attraction Formula (page 15-18) and Savoy’s Magic Bullets (Chapter 13) – both outstanding books that I highly recommend.

Neil Strauss (Style) Interview with Brad P.

The Horse Girl Opener by Brad P.

Point to a girl with a “Don’t I know you?” look on your face. Then, say “Do you like horses?”

It’s a strange question and it makes her wonder “Why would he ask me this? I need to know!”

Her: “Yes / No / Maybe.”

You: “I’m asking because in my 7th grade there was a girl who loved horses. She drew horses on her binder and ran around making horse noises. We called her the weird horse girl. You
look just like her.”

Her: (laughing) “I’m not the weird horse girl. Where did you go to school?”

You: “I’m not sure if you’re her. Maybe you won’t admit it. But if you are, I want to say sorry. In school I was the cool kid. I made fun of the horse girl. Now I’m trying to be a better person and I never make fun of people. I promised myself if I ever saw you I’d apologize.”

Her: (smiling) “Awwww…I guess I can forgive you.”

You: (go for the hug)

The Two-Part Kiss Opener

You are probably familiar with opinion openers like the jealous girlfriend opener, who lies more etc. The problem with these openers is that they appeal mostly to women. And as you know women often go out with guys (mixed set) who are “just friends”. So how about an opinion opener for mixed sets?

The two-part kiss opener appeals to guys first and foremost. But girls get super into it also. And it gives you a way to AMOG (to be the Alpha Male Of the Group) guys in front of women. The opener goes like this:

You: Hey guys, we’re having a debate and need a quick opinion on something. If a guy is dating a girl and she goes out to a bar with her friends one night and makes out with a guy just for fun, is it cheating?
Group: Yeah, it’s cheating.
You: Okay, that makes sense. So here’s the real question. And I’ll tell you why I’m asking in a second…If she goes out and gets drunk and makes out with a GIRL for fun, is it cheating?
Group: (the responses will vary, but if any guys say “no,” you can bust on them for having a
double-standard etc.)
You: Okay. Interesting. The reason I’m asking is because my friend over there has been dating this girl. And she likes to go out and get drunk and make out with girls. Now, some guys might be into that, but it pisses him off and he thinks it’s cheating. She says it isn’t. So we were trying to figure out who was right.
Group: (discussion ensues, which you will have to soon cut off and move into your next piece of material because they will go on and on about this and stale the topic).

What Women Are Really Looking For

Spending all day in the gym may improve your looks. But seriously – it won’t get you more women. A lot of men think that women are attracted to a well-trained body. That’s right. But they also think a huge biceps is enough to impress and to arouse a woman. And that’s ridiculously wrong.

Women are aroused through emotional reactions, and those are caused primarily by words. So what women are really looking for is a guy who knows what to say, how to say it and when to say it. Only then touching will get you somewhere.

So, what you really need to work on is your ability to arouse a woman with your words. At the same time you have to learn how to read women’s body language.

Still, a lot of guys believe that women are attracted to a big biceps, chest and so on – to how a guy looks like. Here is what women are really attracted to: Status and Personality. Clues to those are characteristics like decisiveness, leadership, confidence and intelligence. So what you really need to train is not your biceps but your ability to exhibit the right traits for success.

Think about concrete goals in your life. Women like men with goals as this demonstrates a strong, assertive character. Why? Because it makes you interesting, it makes you stand out from the last 10 or even 100 guys the girl you’re talking to hooked up with.

This doesn’t mean that you already have to be successful in your business, but that you can demonstrate her that you can be successful. However you always have to pay attention to her reaction on your behaviour and adapt (this is called calibrating) – otherwise you will lose her.

If you want to know how exactly to demonstrate these qualities, check out Mystery’s ebook Revelation (Chapters 5 & 9).

Where to Start…The “Newbie Mission”

A lot of guys who want to get better with women ask themselves where to start.

First of all, you don’t need to read all the books from all the well-known pickup artist like Mystery, Style aso. Actually, it can be even counterproductive as after reading one you get so exited that you want even more information and want to read all the sutff avaible – forgetting that reading alone won’t change your situation. You need pratice – in field.

Here is what you can do today:

go to a place where you can find a lot of people (a mall, a store, a train station aso.) and simply say “Hi!” (with a friendly smile) to every woman who passes you by. That’s it!

Don’t think about what might happen or how silly it sounds. Just do it! It will help reducing your fear of appoach tremendesly.

Sep 1, 2011 - Uncategorized    No Comments

Why Being Old and Bald Doesn’t Matter

Men are often concerned about their package size, weight, and even their age. For some men race plays a factor. Whatever bothers you or bars you from reaching your goal, it’s important to know how you can overcome insecurities such as being short, balding, age, ED, “size”, weight, and many more.

The first step is mentally dealing with your insecurities. In most cases what you think is a flaw is not even a flaw! Being Asian or Black is not a flaw. Having red hair is not a flaw. Being short is not a flaw. So are a lot of other “flaws” not actually flaws.

You can also learn how to embrace your physical obstacles. If you are overweight and are insecure about it, you have probably heard countless times to go to the gym. What if you learned how you can use the fact that you are overweight to your advantage to pick up women? Being a big guy can help you in certain areas of your game that skinny guys can’t have, like showing dominance and fitting certain sexy stereotypes. If you are short, you can get away with certain things that tall and big guys can’t, like coming in non-threatening and under the radar (just think of the master pick-up artist Neil Strauss).

The guys from Love Systems (Keychain and Mr. M) have a new interview that goes deep on insecurities you might have in the sack and how to handle them. In the interview they give an example of how a man lost one of his arms and still picks up girls (true story). This is an extreme example, but it shows you that good game can overcome your little flaws.

Check out the interview on Overcoming Physical Obstacles. You can listen to the first ten minutes at no charge.

Why Canned Openers and Routines?

A lot of newbies wonder why they should use canned openers and any kind of routines. They think being spontaneous is all you need. So, why do you need routines at all?

Routines are great training wheels. They allow you to test and refine the delivery of your material so you eventually get it “just right”. Routines clear your mind of the constant question: “OMG what am I going to say next to keep the conversation going?”

They allow you to be actually more present in the moment and tune directly
into the emotional connection between you and the girl. While your mouth keeps blabbering
interesting stuff, almost without an effort of your thinking brain.

Routines literally open your heart to focus on HER and HER reactions. They allow you to flow and vibe and be in complete sync with her emotions, which is all that matters anyway.

Of course, being quick-witted and coming up with original, personal stuff to say
on the fly is the holy grail. But routines are a must for two reasons:

Reason #1: Everyone has an off day or an off moment.

Even the most skilled conversationalist will hit a lull sooner or later. What better way to amp up the energy again than by pulling out a tried and true routine… where the audience reaction is 100% predictable!?

Reason #2: Studying routines makes you think about why they work. They allow you to see the PATTERNS behind social interaction.

P.S. If you need some outstanding, working openers and routines for tones of different situations, get Magic Bullets, the “pickup bible”.

Why Women Don’t Like Nice Guys

Macho Attitude

Ever wondered why women are attracted to ‘jerks‘ who treat them like shit?

And why nice guys don’t have the same success? After all nice guys do things like:

– turning up to a first coffee date with flowers & chocolates
– trying to be ‘friends’ with a girl they like, hoping that it can turn into something else when she sees how nice they are
– answer her calls at 3am to hear her crying about how her jerk boyfriend has cheated on her only to find out she’s back with him the next week

Here’s the reason why women don’t like such behaviour:

By constantly supplicating and acceding to everything she asks of you, you become dull, uninteresting & not a challenge. People want and need boundaries, and as such will test them; women will push you until they find yours so they know where they stand and what kind of guy you are.

If you allow her to break a boundary you consider important, for example she is mad at you for no reason and won’t give you an explanation, she will lose respect for you as she knows she can do what she wants and you will put up with it. She is also more likely to repeat this behavior as you have set the precedent that this behavior is acceptable.

Women love confidence and dominance which nice guys NEVER exude – they are too scared of doing something she won’t like and it will result in them losing the girl.

So how do you become this confident guy?

The answer has to do with having abundance. Abundance means to have options – options in your dating life. If you have options in your dating life, your attitude will shift from being needy and clingy to that one girl, to being a lot more chilled and relaxed, should you ‘lose’ her or if she bails on a date etc. This means you have to go out more. If you’re reading more than you’re going out, you won’t be meeting different women.

If you want to find out more on how to be a nice guy who has game and get girls, check out this brand-new interview series with the Love Systems instructors 5.0 and Sheriff.

P.S. The first 10 minutes are FREE!