Tagged with " pickup community"

How to Pick Up a Girl – 10 Simple Tips for Storytelling

Telling stories in one of the best ways to generate attraction in pick-up when done correctly. If you want to be able to pick up a girl you gotta learn to tell stories.

Here are some basic guidelines for storytelling:

1. Material. Choose stories that are interesting, fun and relevant to her! Avoid stories about distasteful subjects, i.e. death, car accidents, bad breakups, etc. Use stories you tell often to friends and new people that get big laughs.

2. Be succinct. Write your story out word for word and then gut it. Get rid of everything the listener doesn’t need to know and doesn’t care about. It?™s better to cut too much than too little. State the boring but necessary details as succinctly as possible.

3. Lead in. This is how you start the story. The lead in should be congruent with the story to follow. Communicate using words, tonality and energy the type of story to follow. Some examples are, “Oh my God, the funniest/craziest/weirdest thing happened to me the other day!” or “You’ll never believe this, check it out.”

4. Hook. An initial hook is something that makes peoples’ ears perk up. It should be as close to the beginning of the story as possible and should be specifically chosen to make people lean in and pay attention. Bad: My friend called me the other day and left me a message to call him back. So I called him and he went on and on about his Mother’s operation before finally telling me about this party he wanted to go to. Turns out, it’s an S & M party! Good: So the other day I went to this S & M party!

5. Unanswered questions. Craft your story so that there will be unanswered questions in the listener’s mind. You want them to ask you questions that give you the opportunity to further increase your value. Example: So I was picking up my new car the other day and the salesman wouldn’t stop asking me about my watch. The girl I was with finally told him we had to go so she could pick up her instrument for a concert she was doing that night. Unanswered questions: What kind of car did you just buy? What kind of watch were you wearing? Are you rich? Who was the girl you were with? What kind of performance did she have to get to?

6. Allude. In the examples above you’re alluding. You’re alluding to the fact that you have money, as you just bought a new car and have a cool watch. You’re alluding to the fact that you hang out with cool girls. Stated directly, any of this information would sound like bragging, so you allude to it. Make them ask you about it; don’t volunteer it.

7. Subcommunication. This has to do mostly with tonality. The same story can be told playfully, seductively or in a way that generates intrigue. Calibrate to your audience and know what you want to subcommunicate.

8. Convey personality traits. In telling a story, you’re telling someone a great deal about yourself. Know what personality traits want to convey. Craft your stories to subtly tell someone you’re adventurous, rich, famous, creative, courageous, etc.

9. Tonality. This is hard to put in print, but vary your tonality as widely as possible. Talk slow, then fast, then low, then high and then higher! Make transitions smoothly and tell the story in a way that sucks your listener right in. Along with this, act out parts of the story with your hands or your whole body.

10. Have a punch line. A punch line is a line that sums up your story in a powerful way. It’s a way of letting the listener know that the story is over. It doesn’t have to be funny, though in many stories used in the field it will be. Examples: – “That’s the last time I take THAT dog to the beach!” – “From now on I’m asking to see girls’ ID’s!”

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

7 New Year’s Resolutions to Get the Girl

Do you want more success with women in 2012? Then you need to check out these 7 simple tips to get the girl in 2012.

1. Meeting women isn’t just for Saturday nights

Bars and clubs are only a small part of the world. Branch out. Do some Day Game. Develop a social circle that generates attractive women for you to meet naturally. Build a lifestyle that puts beautiful women in your path. On the other hand, don?™t try to be one person when you meet women and another person in the rest of your life. If you need to be more social, be more social every day. If you need to be a better storyteller, be a better storyteller every day. And so on.

2. Write down your goals and how you plan to get there

Studies show that people who write down and commit to their goals are over 600% more effective. And don?™t forget to do a small step towards them every day.

3. Learn how to flirt over text/sms

If you date women who are under 40, you need to learn to text/sms. Texting should build attraction, increase sexual tension, qualify her, and let her get to know you better. In other words, everything we used to have to do in person. A phone number alone isnt that valuable, but if you know how to use text conversations to get her dying to see you again? – its money!

4. Schedule your priorities. Prioritize your schedule

Don’t leave what is important to you for if you have any time left at the end of the day/week/month/year/etc. Put what is important to you on your schedule and stick to it. That means some things will have to fall off. That’s okay. It’s much better to choose what you don’t have time for than to let what is urgent keep you away from what is important.

5. Get good wingmen

Good wingmen force each other to go out, make each other do their approaches, and encourage and help each other when they see something wrong. Good wingmen also let you have a lot more success. While you can definitely attract women when you go out alone it’s a lot better if you have a wingman to help you out. And more fun too!

6. Upgrade your fashion and hairstyle

Clothes and hairstyle say so much about you. To a woman, your clothes and hairstyle are a choice – and she wants to know what they say about you. Are you fashionable and cool? Or out of touch and lame? Are you fun and fresh and exciting? Or boring and afraid to be yourself? Do you respect yourself and have attention to detail? Or do just wear whatever? Make 2012 the year you get your “look” SOLVED if they’re not already.

7. Be man enough to get help

Most men aren’t good at this. Women don’t have this problem. They ask for and share advice all the time – and get much more personal than most men. This gives women a social advantage. Redress the balance in your own life – get some advice!

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

How to Approach Women – New Openers

If you want to approach a woman you need to know what to say – you need an opener. You probably already know the “Hey guys, me and my buddy have a debate: Who lies more – men or women?” or “Is kissing cheating?” or “Do you floss before or after you brush?” -openers. So how about some fresh ones? Here is a list of new openers (by PUA_Swagger, Zeyn, Reef, Dallas, Gigantor, The MusicMan, Galego, Wadders, Silver Tongue, Themoose, Static, Tao, SmoothCriminal):

YOU: “You seem like you’re smart.”
HER: “Yes, I am.”
YOU: “OK, we’ll see how smart you are. I’m going to ask three questions and you have to answer as fast as you can, you game?”
HER: “Sure.”
YOU: “OK, do you own a refrigerator?”
HER: “Yes.”
YOU: “What’s the most common color refrigerator ever made?”
HER: “White.”
YOU: “What do cows drink?
HER: “Milk.”
YOU: “Nooooooo! Wrong, I don’t know if we could hang out.”

YOU: “I have to get back to my friends in a minute, but I need a female opinion on something.”
HER: “What’s that?”
YOU: “My ten-year-old brother Mike just texted me, and apparently there’s this girl in his class named Stephanie that he has a huge crush on, but he isn’t sure how to express it to her. If you were ten years old again, how would you want a boy to show you that he likes you?”
HER: “Well I think that _________.”
YOU: That makes sense. I’ll let him know he should try that.”

YOU: “Let me buy you and your friends a drink.”
HER: “OK.”
(Roll up to the bar and get however many corresponding shots of water so it looks like vodka or tequila. Then bring the shots and announce a toast as they wait for me to roll out the scene thinking they just made a sucker out of me. I wait for the response after they shoot the water and walk off. I wait for them to talk shit to build value and establish me as different and then proceed to re-open the set.)

YOU: “Hi, [insert time constraint]. On a scale from one to ten, how good of an age to get married is nineteen?”
HER: “Zero, or five.”
YOU: “So, you agree with me that it’s a bad choice! That’s what I tell my little [sister/cousin/niece] but she won’t listen.”
HER: “It’s an eight, or nine.”
YOU: “But not a ten so you would hesitate.”
HER: “Ummm…yes.”
YOU: “Hesitation is bad news, that’s why I tell my little [sister/cousin/niece] that it’s a bad choice but she won’t listen.”
HER: “Ten! It’s great!”
YOU: “I knew you looked like trouble, I’ll never introduce you to my little (sister/cousin/niece).”

YOU: “Just curious, do you wear the color red a lot? The reason I’m asking is because I read this thing on the Internet about the psychology of color, and how the colors you wear project a certain aspect of your personality to the world. You wearing red means you’re an energetic person, full of excitement. Too much red can overwhelm people, but with just enough, there have been studies done that people surrounded by red feel their hearts beating faster and feel out of breath in a good way. ”

[while using a fake or invisible microphone]
YOU: “How does it feel to be invited here tonight?” (have the frame of asking red carpet like questions)
HER: “________.”
YOU: “Say something to all your adoring fans out there?”

[get close to her and be serious for a moment, after laughing is usually a good time]
YOU: “Did you hear about that car crash that happened at [insert place]?”
HER: “No! What happened?”
YOU: “Well there were two cars…one went this way [cross your right hand to be kinda by her right cheek]. And one went this way [cross my left hand to be kinda by her left cheek]. And then they collided [light tap to both cheeks]!”

YOU: “Out of curiosity, I have to ask—what exactly are you drinking?”
HER: “I’m drinking ______.”
YOU: “Well, the reason I’m asking is because I was just talking with my friend and he was telling me all about how you can tell a lot about a person based on what they drink at Starbucks [or just say any coffee shop]. He seemed really excited about it, and I just had to see if it was true.”
HER: “Haha, oh really? Well what’s a _______ mean?”

>From here just go to a bunch of basic personality types often commenting on her energy (for espresso), sense of calm (tea), sensitivity (chocolate drink), or likes to be pampered/needs time to warm up to people (frappuccino).

YOU: “Hey guys quick question. OK, so it’s almost summer and of course every girl is trying to get a bikini perfect body. And you always see a bunch of girls spending hours and hours on treadmills… say, if you guys work-out, would you ever consider doing weights? I’ll tell you why I am asking in a second. I mean, are you guys the cardio-only girl or the also do weights girl?” (Let them talk amongst themselves and when they answer…I high five the girls that do weights, and tease the girls that only run on treadmills.)

[Note: depending on the time of the year, summer would be “So, it’s summer”, after summer would be “I know summer passed, but of course every girl is still interested in getting a bikini perfect body.”]

YOU: “Hey I really like your ring. You could totally kick someone’s ass with that. I will call you if I ever get into a fight.”

YOU: “Hey X, I want to get your take on something real quick [insert time constraint]. If an average looking guy approached you on the
street or in a bar and had food in his teeth or his fly open, would you let him know?”
HER: “_____________.”
YOU: “Interesting answers, but that’s not my real question. My real question is if the same thing happened but the guy was really attractive, would it make a difference? [be sure to add root of why you’re asking here]”

YOU: “Excuse me, I want your advice for a moment [provide time constraint here] while my friend is at the bar [gesture to wingman at the bar]. We’re only here for a week on business and were wondering where the better places to go are? I’m only asking you because you are better dressed than anyone else in here.”
HER: “________________.”
WINGMAN to YOU: “I can’t leave you alone for 2 minutes can I?”
YOU: “No I was just asking these, girls where’s a good place to go round here, but they haven’t got me convinced that they know.” [give playful smile to let them know you are only teasing]

YOU: “On a scale from 1 to 10, what’s the meaning of life?”

P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

PUA Style’s Best Disqualifiers


You know those moments after you open and you’re actually doing good but you just can’t take it to the next level? You need to build some attraction with the target but you’re just getting stuck in nice safe guy land.

What does wonders in such situatios are disqualifiers. You have to disqualify yourself from being that” next guy who wants to get in her pants”. The effect: you instantly gain value in her eyes.

Here is a list of PUA Style‘s (author of “The Game”) greatest disqualifiers:

– “Save me from her!” (said to the set about the target)

-“Nice girls like you shouldn’t hang out with guys like me.” (said directly to the target)

– Put a monetary value on yourself – You: “That’ll be $30 bucks!” Her: “For what?” You: “For holding my hand!”

– Treat her like she’s the little sister you never had. (this is just a great rule to follow)

– Tell her you have a girlfriend.

– Reverse roles and position yourself as the prize – “Stop hitting on me, I’m not just a mindless piece of meat”, “Stop taking advantage of me… I’m not that kind of guy…”

– Tell her you’ll hire her as an assistant to follow you around everywhere. And if she does well you’ll double her salary.

– Be the snob – “Yeah, whatever, not so much…”

– Be the authority figure – “You’re in trouble, you’ve got detention…”

– Exaggerate her:? “OH SORRY I couldn’t serve you better, princess…”

– Make her compete – “Excuse me, there are more interesting girls over there…”

– Challenge her – “You’re not cool enough to hang with me.” Or “I’m wayyy to young for you…”

After you disqualify look for indicators of interest (IOIs) that women give men. This will let you know that you’re building attraction. Here is a list of some of them:

– Twirls her hair

– Asks your name

– Laughs at your stupid jokes

– Hits you in a playful manner

– If you pause she will fill in the silence

– Changes opinion to match yours

– Holding eye contact

– Hold out your hand. If they reach for it then you’re in.

– If they unconsciously mirror your movements.


P.S. Learn How to Get Your Ex Back NOW!

82-Minute Video: Steve Mayeda – Sex, Seduction & Sexuality

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46-Minute Video: Orlando Owen – How to Get Rid of Fears

P.S. Check Out Derek Cajun’s Brand-New Book!

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44-Minute Video: Jared Psych Laurence on Qualification & Interest

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Jan 26, 2012 - Online Dating, PUA Cajun    No Comments

How to Pick Up Women ONLINE – Cajun’s New Book Revealed!

Derek’s Tips to Improve Your Online Dating Tonight:

Big news if you want to know how to pick up women online!
Derek Cajun created the ultimate online game manual: The Gentleman’s Guide to Online Game. It’s full of examples, pictures, message logs, it goes step-by-step through the key elements of online dating, including:

– How to build a profile
– How to choose your pictures
– What to send in your first message
– How to get her into chat, text, phone, and in-person
– How to set expectations in advance (relationship vs. fun)
– Chat and message logs so you can see the system in real life
– How to meet women off Facebook

Check It Out Here:

And Cajun is guaranteeing that ANY man who uses his system will have more dates with quality women within just 30 days (or you get every penny back).

About Cajun…

If you’re new to this site, you might not know Cajun. He’s been keeping his head down the last year or two, busy with a ton of testing and live trials of the Gentleman’s Guide.

But before he was known as a world expert in online game for men, he was famous for winning the Keys to the VIP hidden competition pickup TV show. This was no vanity project, where a guy gets to approach 100 women and choose the infield footage he likes. He put his name, and the Love Systems name, on the line without so much as a safety net. Cameras followed his every move at a nightclub. Judges watched….

…and the 5’6 Cajun mopped the floor with the competition. “The best we’ve ever seen,” said one of the judges.

You can actually watch all the infield footage on the Gentleman’s Guide site – just click over to the “Success Stories” tab and look on the right-hand side. Here’s a link to the site again:

The Gentleman’s Guide to Online Dating

In other words, with Cajun you know you’re getting the straight goods. He’s not some guy who dates online because he can’t attract women day-to-day. He’s literally one of the best in the world – and he brings THAT expertise to the online world.

Get the "Underground Online Dating Secrets" eBook for FREE & Updates from this Blog!

30-Minute VIDEO: Matador and Asian Playboy (JT Tran) on Direct Game and Body Language

Questions answered in the first video (part 1):
1) How did Matador and Asian Playboy meet?
2) What was Project Hollywood like?
3) What is Indirect good for and how long should you practice it?
4) What is Masculine, Sexual Charisma?
5) How effective is kino?
6) How can YOU increase your phone close rate by 15%?
7) Response to “I have a boyfriend.”
8) What is the D-Phase?
9) What are some good Cavemaning and Buying Temperature tactics?
10) What are some examples of Direct Openers?
11) What do you say after a Direct Opener?

Questions answered in the second video (part 2):
1) What do you do when you go Direct but don’t have enough Passive Value or attraction?
2) What is the Fuckable line?
3) Do you Neg or use a False Time Constraint when you go Direct?
4) How do I make the Perfect Approach (ie “Sticking the Approach”)?
5) What is the difference between Direct versus Indirect?
6) What is the #1 problem that Asian men face?
7) The PUA Spin – How you use it determines if it is Buying Temperature Gambit or a Sexual Compliance Test
8) How can I come off as Non-Creepy?
9) How do I answer the question, “How old are you?”
10) What is the Asian Fountain of Youth Kiss Close?
11) How do I save face if I get blown out using a Direct Opener?
12) What is the Boomerang and how do you use it to reboot a conversation?

Questions answered in the 3 video (part 3):

1) How successful is a Direct Opener?
2) How do you know if you’re in COMFORT?
3) What is the C-Phase: Compliance, Comfort, & Connect?
4) How do I build social proof and value using Direct Game?
5) What do you say to a group before you pull your target?
6) How to use Non-Verbal Social Pressure & Compliance Testing
7) What is difference between Direct Group Game versus Indirect Holding Court?
8) How do you approach a two-set?
9) What is Body Language Positioning (BLP)?
10) A RARE example of a BLP Maneuever
11) What is “Cuntpunting”?
12) What is the E-Phase: Evaluate, Extract & Escalate?
13) Do you ever use a wingman?
14) BLP Example of the Sidestep Maneuver
15) Why you need Social Proof to get the HB9 and HB10
16) Disadvantage of Direct Game
17) Advantage of Direct Game
18) Where does Storytelling and DHVs come into play?
19) What is the timeframe from A-Phase to F-Phase?
20) Why Asian men need to evolve from Indirect Game to Direct Game

Get the "Underground Online Dating Secrets" eBook for FREE & Updates from this Blog!

Day Game Pick-Up: James Marshall vs. Sasha Daygame

Pick-Up Starts at 4:23!

P.S. If you like day game, this is a must: How to Pick Up a Girl.

Get the "Underground Online Dating Secrets" eBook for FREE & Updates from this Blog!
