The Ideal Guy Routine – How to Turn Her On In a Blink

The “Ideal Guy” Routine is about letting her describe her dream guy. Simply ask her what her dream guy looks like, ask her he’s wearing, what his hair looks like, what his voice sounds like, what he says to her, how she feels in his arms …

The idea here is to get her into the state where is she totally free from social constraints and where she can enjoy herself. So she thinks about and experiences the feelings, but WHO is she talking to? YOU.

Basically she gets confused and thinks she is feeling that way about You when she is actually feeling that way about some other, maybe non-existing guy (the dream guy, her idealisation).

She likes him, but is talking to You. You are the one making her feel the way she does.
Just by being with you and seeing you and hearing you and touching you, she gets these feelings. Basically she transfers what she wants from the guy over to you.

The other benefit of this routine is that girls will admit their sexual needs when you are not talking about yourself and you ARE talking about some movie star or something … For example:

You: what would you do if Brad Pitt walked in here right now?
Her: I would seduce him any way I can!
You: How would you seduce Brad Pitt?

So, at this point she will reveal what she would do to convince a man she really wants to be
with her. Getting all hot and bothered along the way of course … And since you’re in the vicinity … ;)

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How to Pick Up a Girl – 10 Simple Tips for Storytelling

Telling stories in one of the best ways to generate attraction in pick-up when done correctly. If you want to be able to pick up a girl you gotta learn to tell stories.

Here are some basic guidelines for storytelling:

1. Material. Choose stories that are interesting, fun and relevant to her! Avoid stories about distasteful subjects, i.e. death, car accidents, bad breakups, etc. Use stories you tell often to friends and new people that get big laughs.

2. Be succinct. Write your story out word for word and then gut it. Get rid of everything the listener doesn’t need to know and doesn’t care about. It?™s better to cut too much than too little. State the boring but necessary details as succinctly as possible.

3. Lead in. This is how you start the story. The lead in should be congruent with the story to follow. Communicate using words, tonality and energy the type of story to follow. Some examples are, “Oh my God, the funniest/craziest/weirdest thing happened to me the other day!” or “You’ll never believe this, check it out.”

4. Hook. An initial hook is something that makes peoples’ ears perk up. It should be as close to the beginning of the story as possible and should be specifically chosen to make people lean in and pay attention. Bad: My friend called me the other day and left me a message to call him back. So I called him and he went on and on about his Mother’s operation before finally telling me about this party he wanted to go to. Turns out, it’s an S & M party! Good: So the other day I went to this S & M party!

5. Unanswered questions. Craft your story so that there will be unanswered questions in the listener’s mind. You want them to ask you questions that give you the opportunity to further increase your value. Example: So I was picking up my new car the other day and the salesman wouldn’t stop asking me about my watch. The girl I was with finally told him we had to go so she could pick up her instrument for a concert she was doing that night. Unanswered questions: What kind of car did you just buy? What kind of watch were you wearing? Are you rich? Who was the girl you were with? What kind of performance did she have to get to?

6. Allude. In the examples above you’re alluding. You’re alluding to the fact that you have money, as you just bought a new car and have a cool watch. You’re alluding to the fact that you hang out with cool girls. Stated directly, any of this information would sound like bragging, so you allude to it. Make them ask you about it; don’t volunteer it.

7. Subcommunication. This has to do mostly with tonality. The same story can be told playfully, seductively or in a way that generates intrigue. Calibrate to your audience and know what you want to subcommunicate.

8. Convey personality traits. In telling a story, you’re telling someone a great deal about yourself. Know what personality traits want to convey. Craft your stories to subtly tell someone you’re adventurous, rich, famous, creative, courageous, etc.

9. Tonality. This is hard to put in print, but vary your tonality as widely as possible. Talk slow, then fast, then low, then high and then higher! Make transitions smoothly and tell the story in a way that sucks your listener right in. Along with this, act out parts of the story with your hands or your whole body.

10. Have a punch line. A punch line is a line that sums up your story in a powerful way. It’s a way of letting the listener know that the story is over. It doesn’t have to be funny, though in many stories used in the field it will be. Examples: – “That’s the last time I take THAT dog to the beach!” – “From now on I’m asking to see girls’ ID’s!”

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7 New Year’s Resolutions to Get the Girl

Do you want more success with women in 2012? Then you need to check out these 7 simple tips to get the girl in 2012.

1. Meeting women isn’t just for Saturday nights

Bars and clubs are only a small part of the world. Branch out. Do some Day Game. Develop a social circle that generates attractive women for you to meet naturally. Build a lifestyle that puts beautiful women in your path. On the other hand, don?™t try to be one person when you meet women and another person in the rest of your life. If you need to be more social, be more social every day. If you need to be a better storyteller, be a better storyteller every day. And so on.

2. Write down your goals and how you plan to get there

Studies show that people who write down and commit to their goals are over 600% more effective. And don?™t forget to do a small step towards them every day.

3. Learn how to flirt over text/sms

If you date women who are under 40, you need to learn to text/sms. Texting should build attraction, increase sexual tension, qualify her, and let her get to know you better. In other words, everything we used to have to do in person. A phone number alone isnt that valuable, but if you know how to use text conversations to get her dying to see you again? – its money!

4. Schedule your priorities. Prioritize your schedule

Don’t leave what is important to you for if you have any time left at the end of the day/week/month/year/etc. Put what is important to you on your schedule and stick to it. That means some things will have to fall off. That’s okay. It’s much better to choose what you don’t have time for than to let what is urgent keep you away from what is important.

5. Get good wingmen

Good wingmen force each other to go out, make each other do their approaches, and encourage and help each other when they see something wrong. Good wingmen also let you have a lot more success. While you can definitely attract women when you go out alone it’s a lot better if you have a wingman to help you out. And more fun too!

6. Upgrade your fashion and hairstyle

Clothes and hairstyle say so much about you. To a woman, your clothes and hairstyle are a choice – and she wants to know what they say about you. Are you fashionable and cool? Or out of touch and lame? Are you fun and fresh and exciting? Or boring and afraid to be yourself? Do you respect yourself and have attention to detail? Or do just wear whatever? Make 2012 the year you get your “look” SOLVED if they’re not already.

7. Be man enough to get help

Most men aren’t good at this. Women don’t have this problem. They ask for and share advice all the time – and get much more personal than most men. This gives women a social advantage. Redress the balance in your own life – get some advice!

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3 Ways to Pick Up a Girl – Once You’ve Already Approached Her

Do you want a phone number and a date? Or do you want to take her home? Or is she your next girlfriend? The distinction is important, because each path leads in a different direction.

1. How to pick up a girl if you want casual hookups. Focus on Physical Escalation (touching) and Logistics (getting her alone with you somewhere where you can take things to the next level). Remember to touch early and touch often. Find out early in the night who she is with and where she is going later. A couple quick tips:

– Make the numbers match. If you’re alone and the woman you meet is with her friend, get an instant wingman. You can use opinion openers with guys you don’t know in order to draw them into the conversation.
– Whispering is a great way to create sexual tension – it lets you get right close and is a huge turn-on to many women (always have chewing gum with you ;)
– In Day Game, physical escalation is less important and logistics are more important. Don’t try to seduce her on the street. Make a date for later that night.
– Use roleplays

2. If you want phone numbers and dates then it’s mostly about the Emotional Connection. Physical Escalation/ touching is less important on the first meeting (but still do it) and Logistics aren’t usually very important at all.

Emotional connection comes through conversation. So you need great conversation and flirting skills. Here are a couple of flirting/conversation skills:

– Never ask two questions in a row. Alternate statements and questions.
– Don’t play tourist in her life. Add value.
– Flirting is playful, not serious. It’s also supposed to be fun. Make her have fun.
– Cut off any conversation topics that won’t help you (e.g., her ex-boyfriend, her sick cat, her 6am wakeup call tomorrow, etc.).
– Be at the same energy level as her or slightly higher.

The second part of this is that once you get her phone number, you still need to turn it into a date. Here are a couple hints to get you going:

– Texting is usually better start than phoning for the first contact.
– Always sign your texts. If she has to respond with “who is this?” it kills the emotional momentum.
– If you call, get off the phone first, after about 10-12 minutes. Never leave voicemails.
– Never text her back quicker than she texted you back.
– Be unpredictable. Alternate long and short texts, funny and serious, questions and statements.
– Use statements more than questions. You don’t lose anything if she doesn’t respond to “I’m going to the House of Blues tonight!” You do if she doesn’t respond to “Would you like to come to the House of Blues with me?”
– Use Callback Humor whenever possible. If you did any role-plays when you met, start the call by continuing the role play. If you gave her a goofy nickname, start by calling her that.

3. If you are looking for a girlfriend or long-term relationship

Here’s where you need the full package. You need the conversation skills, you need the phone and text game skills (because there are going to be a few dates before she becomes your girlfriend and you’ve got to keep things going in between those dates).

You’ll also need – unlike in the last two cases – an attractive lifestyle. A woman can hook up with you without caring about what you do with your time, but for a woman to become your girlfriend, she has to want to join your life. That’s friends, hobbies, job, social life, interests, etc.

Here are a few handy lifestyle hints:

Prioritize your schedule and schedule your priorities. If you don’t make time for what’s important to you, it won’t happen. It’s much better to be passionate about something that she might not be interested in than to adopt “high status” hobbies you don’t connect with. Women love hearing men talk about something with passion and love telling their friends about it.

P.P.S. The holiday season is coming. And it’s not just about stress and travel – it’s also a great opportunity to attract women – especially holiday shopping!

The usual Day Game system that most men use will also work just fine at the mall during the holidays. But if you’re shyer, there’s another way. Approach a woman you’re attracted to with something like: “My sister says she needs a new purse for Christmas. What’s in style these days?”

The transition from this is easy; ask her to help you pick one out. Be near a purse store when you start the conversation and save your receipt. Or ask her what she’s doing and then “realize” you’re both doing your holiday shopping at a lot of the same stores, so why not do it together?

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The Good Liar Routine

Next time you?™re in a bar or club, try this routine. Girls simply love it.

You: Hey, are you a good liar?
Her: What?
You: Can you lie? (Turn to her friends) Is she a good liar?
Her friends: Yes! She is a fantastic liar!/ No, she can’t lie.
You: Is that right? Well, let?™s see. You are going to tell me three things. One of them will be a lie. Ok?
Her: Ok.
You: Right…You are going to tell me…a place you have always wanted to visit. A shop you like going to…and….the name of the first guy you slept with, or girl…(gets her laughing/ smiling)
You: So that’s three things, place to visit, shop you like and first guy you slept with. Ok? (all her friends are now looking at her)
Her: Ok.
You: Hold on, take it slow, think about it. You have to be as convincing as you can…

She tells, you try and pick the lie. Then usually someone goes “my turn!” and if they say to you “your turn” you go “are you kidding, I am not playing some silly lie game”, then turn to your wing saying “These people are crazy”. Then go get a drink or something and let them think about what a fun guy you are. You will get IOIs (indicators of interest) en masse.

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Oct 26, 2013 - routines    2 Comments

The Numbers Game Routine for a 3Set

This routine is generally used for a 3set, because you use all of them in this routine. It goes as follows:

You: “Hey, let?™s all play a game.” Pick your target (the girl you?™re after) and say:
“Check this out…I’m going to give you the ability to read their minds…”
Target (Girl 1): “Okay…”
Look at Girl 2 and give her a pen.
You: “Pick a number between 1-4. Hold it! Now write it on your hand so you don’t change it.” (The answer is usually 3)
Turn and look at Girl 3 and hand her the pen.
You: “Pick a number between 1-10. Hold it. Now write it on your hand so you don’t change it.” (The answer is usually 7)
Turn to Girl 1 and say:
“Ok, I said I was going to give you the ability to read their minds. I want you to look at both of them and picture those numbers they have in their hands. Look deeply! You should have a faint vision of these numbers.”
Give her the pen.
You: “Now, pick a number between 10-50 and both digits have to be an odd number. Write it in your hand. (It?™s usually 37)
You: “Starting with you (point at Girl 2), show your hand (she’ll show 3). Now it?™s your turn (point to Girl3, and she’ll show 7), and now yours (point to Girl 1 and she’ll reveal 37).

This will either be the feat of all feats, or just a waste of their time. If you DO manage this, they will freak out and love you. If not, just say “Well, it didn’t work ’cause of her” (point to your target = Girl 1) and neg the crap outta her. ;-)

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The Cologne Opener by Neil Strauss (The Game)

Here is a simple opener that Neil Strauss aka Style mentions in The Game:

“Hey guys, I want your opinion on something. I have two different colognes on
my wrists, and I want to see which one you smells better.” (Let them smell the cologne. Be cocky and funny, neg the target, etc.)
“The reason is, I have so many colognes from my ex-girlfriends on my shelf, and I want to give some of them away and keep the best ones.”
After she picks one, pull out a pen and make a mark on your wrist, next to five or ten others.
If she asks So what are they?, say This one is hemlock, this one is chloroform?, if not, say it anyway ;)

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Value Demonstration Routine: The Seven Coins Trick

First of all, you don?™t need to use seven coins to do this trick. You can do it with either three or five coins. But seven coins are most effective. Half-dollars are the best size coins to use.

So, here?™s the trick: You count out seven coins (or five, or three) on to her hand. You then put out your left hand and ask her to put four coins upon your left palm. When that is done puts out your right hand and have the remaining three coins put, one at a time, on that palm.

Then call attention to the fact that you have four coins on your left palm and three on your right. Take one away from your left hand and drop it with the rest in your right. Close both hands into fists and call attention once more to the number of coins in each hand.

Now you have the four in the right and only the three in the left. Jingle the coins and ask her how many coins you have in each hand. No matter what she says, open your right hand to show that you have all seven coins in that hand, and then open your left to show its empty. Then, if the coins are borrowed hand back the money.

How it works: Your goal is to get her worried over the location of that one coin as it gives you a chance to steal the three coins. You start with four coins on the left hand and three on the right to get the people thinking there is a different number of coins in the two hands.

When the thumb and first finger of the right hand – the other three fingers are closed to hold the three coins in that hand – go over to the left hand to pick up the coin, her eyes will follow that coin.

The moment the right hand moves away from the left, the left hand is closed and turned over back up. On this turnover the closing and turnover are one move, the fingertips slide the coins to the heel of the palm, so that they extend down edgeways between the tips of the fingers and the palm. In other words, the edges of the coins point towards the floor and stick out of the closed fist.

The right hand is then turned palm up, with the third, fourth, and little fingers opened.
The fourth coin is then dropped from between the thumb and first finger so that it falls on the rest. The right hand is then closed and the fist turned over, as you have done it with the left hand. Both hands are now closed and are back up.

Then you ask where the coins are – how many are in each hand. Your right hand moves toward the left as you talk and you point either with the first finger, which you open or with the thumb.

Then you say the number of coins in the right hand. At the same time, your left hand moves over to the right and it looks like the right hand moved at the same speed away from the left. Actually the hands meet, and in a sort of rolling motion, so that the coins sticking out of the left hand are caught in the same grip by the fingers of the right hand. The left hand then points with the extended first finger, or the thumb, at the right hand, as you tell the number of coins in the right hand.

At this point the coins stick down below the right hand; that is the extra three coins do, the other four are still in the right fist. You then start to shake the coins and on the first shake the right hand opens enough to get the outside coins in the hand with the others. Both hands are shaken at the same time and she will believe she hears coins in each hand.

Once again the hands are held still and you ask her to name the number of coins in each hand. Then you say “Chams cha la ta ax ba (which means I hope you like this trick). Come, hold out your hand. And here are seven coins – and heres nothing.”

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Top 5: What NOT to Say on the First Date

As you may know, women are attracted to a man with an exciting lifestyle, a strong social network, ambitious goals and heart at the right place (being able to show love for her and his family). However, instead of demonstrating these things, a lot of guys complain or try to show off on the first date. They dont realize that you can lose the girl really fast saying the “wrong” things.

So, here are the top 5 verbal mistakes you can make on the first date:

1. “I dont date.” or “My last girlfriend was forever ago.”

She thinks: “No other women will touch this guy and neither should I.” Instead you should demonstrate pre-selection (show her other women want you). Tell her a story of an interesting date you had or drop names of female friends into your stories.

2. “I like to stay at home and play video games.”

She thinks: “This guy is a geek.” You should be conveying to her that you’re an adventurous risk-taker. Talk about when you did something dangerous (sky-diving, hang gliding, bungee
jumping, etc). If you haven’t done something like that, then talk about your desire to do so.

3. “My friends are stupid.”

She thinks: “He has bad friends because he?™s a bad person.” Instead talk about your friends positively and let her know you have many. Or show her you’re good at socializing by meeting new people with her that night.

4. “I hate my job. But I just need the money to pay the bills.”

She thinks: “This guy has no ambition, that’s gross.” If you do have a shitty job, you don’t need to tell her all about it. Instead tell her your goals for the future. She doesn’t care if you’re rich but she does want you to be ambitious.

5. “I don’t really talk to my family.”

She thinks: “This guy has intimacy issues because he’s not even able to love his family!” Don’t reveal negative personal baggage about yourself in the early stages of meeting a woman. Instead show her you love and take care of all of those close to you: family, friends,
girlfriends, and even pets. Being a protector of your loved ones is very sexy to women.

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